Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 58

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“Happy birthday, mommy!”

I groaned and stuck my head out from under the covers. A tray of food was shoved in my face. I smiled, but morning sickness took over. I bolted for the bathroom, and there went last night’s pot roast. I went back to them after I brushed my teeth.

“Happy birthday.” Gerard hugged and kissed me.

“Thanks you two.” I hugged Jordan too.

I sat in bed and ate. Gerard and Jordan both sat next to me and we
watched T.V. I went to shower and dress, then. They were downstairs waiting for me, along with everybody else, who scared the crap out of me and almost made me fall down the stairs.

We had a normal party. Food, cake, pop. I said I didn’t want presents, but I still got gift cards. Gerard and Jordan got a silver chain link necklace with a skull charm. I thought it was the coolest ever. As evening approached everyone left, and Jordan went with Ana and Ray.

“So where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see. Come on.” He wore a smile as he led the way to his
car. In the car, he turned to me. “Come here.”


“Come here.”


“Lisa, come on.” I leaned over towards him. “Here.” He pulled something out of his pocket. “You can’t see where we’re going.” He wrapped it around my head and covered my eyes with it, then I felt him at my shirt collar. “I put your glasses right there.”

Then we were moving. I could feel the turns and the bumps. Gerard held my hand for most of the ride. I couldn’t judge the time, but it felt like forever. It got really bumpy for a bit, then he stopped. He helped me out of the car, and I started to giggle.

“Hop on,” he said.

With some help, I managed to get on his back, and he walked. That lasted about fifteen minutes then he put me down.

“Almost there,” he said. “Just follow my voice.”

“No, cause that makes me wanna sex you up,” I said.

He did that laugh. That soft giggle/chuckle. I giggled back.

“Then I’ll push you.”

“Ok, fine. Where’d you go?” I was feeling around for him.

He grabbed my hands and led the way.

“Ok, stop there and don’t move.”

I could sense him moving around. He bumped me from behind and his arms wrapped around me. Then he was pulling at the knot on my head, and my vision was back. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I found myself overlooking the city. We were up on a cliff. Nighttime had settled in, and the city was lit up. I’d never seen the city like this.

“Oooh. It’s gorgeous,” I said.

“I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away,” he sang softly.

“The worst is over now, and we can breathe again. I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain, away,” I sang back.

He pulled me with him to sit. I leaned into him and half hugged his knee. His chin rested on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and took in the noises around me.

“I couldn’t ask for a better life,” I said.

“Me neither.”

“Did I ever tell you my very first thought I hd when we first met?”

“When I found you in my bedroom? No.”

“I thought. ‘Wow. Damn. I hope he’s single.’” I laughed.

“When my mom was shouting at me to meet you, I was running out with Mikey. Then she was saying you were close to my age. I ran back in and she said you went upstairs. My door was open, and I saw you. I was also like ‘wow.’ I didn’t mean to shout it though.” He laughed. “Seeing you made me remember those dreams I had.”

“Yeah, you and your vampire obsession.”

“I knew it was mean to be. Us.”

I smiled and leaned into him again. I snuggled into my coat a bit. We sat in silence for a while. I felt Gerard breathing on my neck a little. I felt Gerard shake a little behind me.

“Lis?” he whispered.


“It’s true.”


“We attack and change the ones we love.”

Right after he said it, I felt a pinch on my neck, then black.