Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 59

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I jumped and opened my eyes. We were still on the cliff. I turned to Gerard.

“You lied,” I said.


“It’s true. You said it was.”

“Lisa, the last thing I said was I knew we were meant to be. You fell
asleep, and were dreaming.”


“Let’s get home before you get sick. You’re carrying a baby. You need to stay healthy.”

As we headed home, we started talking baby names.

“I got a good one for a boy,” Gerard said. “Aiden James Way.”

“Mikey’s middle name. It rolls off the tongue well…Do you want a
boy?” I asked.

“Kinda. Let’s be surprised this time.”

“Ok. Think of a girl name?”


“Melissa Ann Way?” I asked.

He nodded, and drove on home. I was still thinking. I looked at my small belly lump. Then I saw Gerard’s hand rest on it. I smiled and held his hand. I was half asleep when I heard a noise. It was followed by pressure, and pain, then everything went black.

*~Mikey’s P.O.V~*

I held Jordan in my lap and Andrea clung to my arm sobbing. I was silent, but I was thinking as I watched the two caskets slowly drift underground. I remembered the cop showing up at three a.m. telling me that Gerard and Lisa were in a car accident. A semi-truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and he hit them head on. All the while I thought.

How could you do this? We had everything finally back in line, and then you drop this on us. Why, God?

I sat at home with Jordan while they went to clean out their house. It hurt so bad, but I couldn’t cry about it. Breaking the news to mom and dad was the worst. No, actually Lisa’s mom was the worst, as well as her friends.

As days went on, the pain gradually went away. Ana’s baby boy helped a little, but it would come back at night. It hurt me the most, but I would try not to bring everyone down with it. We’d tried new vocalists for the band, but we decided to end it after releasing a D.V.D.

I guess when you live on the murder scene, everything can’t be perfect. Someone’s bound to get hurt.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!