Status: Completed

You're Not in This Alone.

Chapter 6

Long update....:D lol

"They all want to see her, just to say hi," he said.

"Sure," I said.

"Two at a time," Gerard said. "There's only six left you haven't met."

He went out and brought in two people, the short guy with the tattoos, piercings, and the down mowhawk, and an even shorter girl with a matching lip ring.

"Frank, and his girlfriend, Alex," Gerard said.

"Hey," Frank said.

"You're in good hands," Alex said, giving Gerard a pat on the back. "Glad you're doing okay," Alex said as they left.

"Thanks," I said and the next two came in.

"Ray and Ana," Gerard said.

"Hey," Ray said.

"What's up?" Ana asked.

"Hey," I said.

"Feel better," Ana said as they left.


"And our final two, Bob and his girlfriend, Natalie."

"Hey," they both said.


"Sorry about what happened," Natalie said.

"Yeah, feel better soon so you can hang with us," Bob said.

"Thanks to you too," I said.

After that, it quieted down, leaving only Gerard and I.

"So, that's all of them?" I asked.

"Yep. The guys, their girlfriends, and now me and my girlfriend, right?"

"As soon as I feel it is, I have a feeling about you. Yeah, call me your girlfriend," I said with a grin. "So tell me more about you and the rest of them."

"The guys and I are a band, we kind of just started, so we suck and don't have many songs written. When we're off on our own, they'll be with their girls, and I'll be in my
room drawing."

"I saw some of your stuff. I think it's amazing," I said.

"Aww, thanks. I'm actually working on a cartoon that'll hopefully make it to
Cartoon Network. When I graduate, hopefully it'll be done, and I'm gonna go to New York and see what they think."

"That's awesome. I'll be there for you," I said as a nurse came in.

"Mr. Way? I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to leave. We're closing up for the night."

"Ok." He turned back to me. "I'll be here as soon as I can in the morning," he
said, then gave me a kiss on the forehead.

When he left, I relaxed and turned the T.V on. My attack was already on the news. They didn't reveal my identity yet though. And since I couldn't remember anything about my attackers, they didn't have much to go by. I was watching some random movie until I fell asleep for the night.

"Lisa? Lisa, wake up."

I groaned as I woke up, feeling even more pain than yesterday. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse and Gerard.

"Ouch, hey," I said.

"Hey," Gerard said, taking his seat next to me.

"How are we feeling this morning Lisa? Some pain I assume?"

"Yeah, other than that, I'm okay, hungry, but I feel a little better."

"Alright. You sound better. No nausea?"


"Good. Okay, I'll go send someone to bring you some food. I'll be back around one to check on you. If you need anything, just call," she said before leaving.

"You're all over the news today," Gerard said. "No pictures, no name, but it's there."

"Oh great. Three months here and I already made the news. New record," I said, laughing.

"Record? New?" Gerard arched an eyebrow at me.

"Kidding. First time," I said. "What time is it?"

"Eight-thirty. I said I'd be here as soon as I could be. And I plan to stay as long as I can."

"I don't wanna pull you away from what you had planned," I said.

"I was gonna draw all day. And I brought all my supplies."

"Sweet. I'll get to see Gerard Way in action. Draw away."

"Before I start. I made you this." He handed me something in an envelope.

I opened it and pulled out a homemade card. The front showed a boy and a girl, vampiric looking, looking into each other's eyes. They were surrounded by bats, and set in a blood red sunset. I opened it and in fancy letters it read "Get well soon my love. XOXO G."

"Aww, this is so sweet. I love it," I said. "You really have talent."

He then started drawing. His cartoon he said he wanted to turn into Cartoon
Network. The others came and went throughout the day. Come in, say hi, chat for a bit, then leave. Gerard stayed with me all day, until they took me to get my head checked out.

"Well, nothing appears to be wrong. You seem fine and you look great. Would you like to leave tonight?" Dr. Corbin asked.

"Can I? I'd love to," I said.

"Ok. I'll get the paperwork."

They wheeled me back to my room. I was all smiles the whole way.

"Gerard! I'm going home now," I said.

"Really? That's great!" he said, coming and hugging me.

"Yep. So, am I walking out naked?" I asked the nurse.

"You can keep what you've got on," she said.

"Actually, your mom gave me a bag for you, since I was going to be here all day," Gerard said. "Can she walk?"

"She can, she just might be a little stiff, and sore. Lisa, let's try."

They got on either side of me and helped me to my feet. I felt like a cripple, because I was getting so much help. She was right though, I was stiff, and my legs really hurt, mostly close to my middle. I was able to move though, and I went to get dressed. When I came out, I did my paperwork to sign out and we left. I followed Gerard to his car.

"You feeling ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. I've been better, but I don't feel like I was raped yesterday, or cut up," I said, pulling my shirt down to reveal multiple bandages on my upper chest.

When we got back, we went to my house and surprised my mom. She told me of a surprise in my room. I shrugged and headed up there with Gerard in tow. I opened my bedroom door and nearly fainted. My dream bedroom. My two favorite colors. The black carpet was already there, but now the walls and ceiling were black. The trim painted hot pink. My full size bed with pink sheets and a black comforter. The same furniture, which was fine with me.

"Sweet," Gerard said behind me.

"You like it?" my mom asked behind me.

I turned and hugged her. "Love it. Thanks for finally doing it."

"You're welcome. I'll leave you two alone. I can trust you right?" She tapped me on the head.

"Oww, mom. I ain't doing anything." I rubbed my head as she left.

I turned on my radio, and started putting posters up as Gerard sat on my bed and drew. I assumed he was working on his cartoon and just taking glances at me. I cleaned up my room a little too. I saw him finished drawing so I sat next to him.

"How's the cartoon coming?"

"Good. That's not what I was working on." He grinned and pulled me close to him.

"What were you working on?" I asked as I placed the card he made me on my

"Just something for a special friend."


"You." He tapped my nose.

"Lemme see."

"I'm not done yet. I'll color it then give it to you."

"Deal," I said as I laid down, pulling him with me and wrapping his arms around me.

"I feel so bad that it happened to you," he said in a whisper. "I'll never let anyone else hurt you, I promise," he continued as I fell asleep, feeling very safe in my new home.