Status: Completed :D

A Lesson in Relationships

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Alex had gotten so much better after we had sex. He'd been so cheerful, and his eyes had that... innocent, unhurt glow. Dr. Ramos was impressed. Alex still had another seven months in the program, but he was making the most of it. It was so nice to have him back. He and I also recently took up a self defense class. According to Dr. Ramos, this would help further Alex’s redevelopment of self esteem. Alex liked it; he found the activities fun... though he was a bit nervous when we had started. We were the only guys.

Though Alex was getting better, he was still a little timid, a trait he wasn't... before all this. The timid-ness though, was cute and easily overlooked. I really don't think he'll overcome this shyness for a while. This was later confirmed by Dr. Ramos. She told me a lot of things that Alex may experience in later months. I was most concerned when she mentioned Posttraumatic stress disorder. My uncle had this, he committed suicide. There were other things I could have been concerned about, but I couldn’t lose Alex.


I smile down at Alex. He was asleep in my arms. He had, had a long day today. He had a one-on-one session with Dr. Ramos. She said it went well… that’s not what I would have said. Alex had been put under some sort of hypnosis. It had caused him to cry most of the afternoon. I’m not sure how it was good for him, but I’m just going to take the doctor’s word for it.

Alex turns in his sleep, bringing the back of his hand and wipes tiredly at his eyes. He gives me a weak smile when he sees me. He sits up and I wrap my arms around him. He lets out a sigh and leans back. “What time is it?”

“It’s only six, babe, and its Friday.” I respond, stroking his hair, softly. I fix the string on his hoodie with the other.”

He slumps and let’s out a groan, “Today sucked.” He says bluntly. “Fuck this, ‘one-on-one’ shit. That just made it worse. Everything was so vivid.” His bottom lip is trembling. He bites it, in an attempt to choke back a sob.

I pull him closer, tighter. His head nudges my chest. He’s emitting soft sobs, while I rub my hand up and down his back.

“Shhh, shhhhhh, babe, in the end it’s all going to be worth it.” I whisper in his ear. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get you some water. You’ll end up dehydrating, if you don’t drink any.”

He nods, shifting as I get up. He grabs my hoodie, nuzzling it, as I leave the room. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I grab him a bottle of water and head back as soon as I can. He’s still curled up in my hoodie. He looks up as he hears the door open. Giving me a weak smile he sits back up, accepting the water. He takes a few gulps, and looks down at his hands.

“Jack… I’m really sorry, for being such a baby.” He mumbles.

My widen in shock, “Alex, this isn’t your fault. It’s just something that happened. Something we have to live with now.”

“I just feel like you’re babysitting me… not in a bad way though, Jack. I just don’t want you to get tired of feeling like this. I don’t want you to leave me.” He rubs at his eyes, wiping away some, unshed tears.

“I’ll never leave you Alex, I love you. You know that! Something bad happened to you, and I’m not leaving just because you’re not okay. That would be terrible of a boyfriend.”

“But… I… Jack-”

“No, Alex, just sleep okay? You’re tired.” I cut him off.

Alex pouts, and lies his head down on the pillow. “Night Jack… I love you.”

I smile. “Love you too, babe. Get some rest.”

♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know. I said that i was just going to continue this and not write a sequel.... but something came up... me and my friend are starting a co-write soon... and we're waiting until i finish some of the stories i have going. There's going to be a sequel found here

The co-write if you're wondering is going to be a boarding school fic, with so many slash pairings. if anybody's interested, I'll send a link to them when the first chapter is posted. ;D

And sinc ethis is done take a look here for the cutest slash you will read in a while :D

good bye.... for now.