Status: Completed :D

A Lesson in Relationships

Chapter 2

After the principal’s ‘expectations’, Alex was tense. The only time I remember him ever bring this tense was after our first show and after we came out. Even then he wasn’t as tense. And this made me worry; Alex was never tense. He was always loose and relaxed.

Right now, he was stiff as a board, sitting straight up. His body is in a perfect 90° angle.

“Lex, calm down.” I mumble.

He loosens a bit, but not enough to be in the typical Alex posture, “Sorry, it’s just fucking obvious, he’s a homophobe. And it’s also obvious he hates us.”

“As long as we stay away from him, we’ll be okay.”

He smiles, “Alright, Jackie.”

I bite my lip, in attempt to from kissing him. I didn’t want to get caught for displaying “boy on boy PDA.’

After the assembly, I, being the dumb ass I am, walk over to and talk to the principal. He tries to walk away from me.

I shout, “Um, hi, Principal Berri!” He turns, “I think we got off to a bad start, I-”

He cuts me off, his eyes uninterested and dull. From what I can tell, they’re clouded with hatred, “I don’t think we did. I gave you a warning. I expect you will take it, and refrain from such activity. Nobody wants to see other people making out to begin with. Two boys kissing, YUCK.” He spits. His nose wrinkles in disgust and he walks away.

I glare at the back of his head, wishing it to explode. It didn’t work. I walk back and quickly locate Alex, in the exact place I had left him. Alex was know to wander, so this confused me. Fuck this principal. He was making my Alex act all weird…

But I have a plan I know will fix this…

“W-what did he say?” he asks.

“I’ll tell you at lunch, okay?”

He nods, slightly sad. I’m not sure if it’s because he has to wait, or if he knew it was bad. I’m guessing it was the latter.

We walk in school, relatively close. We pass by two groups. One filled with jocks and the other group was filled with the principal and vice-principal.

Someone mutters, ‘fag,’ under their breath. I glare at the group of jocks, when I realize they are all good friends. I also know for a fact that none of them would say anything like that and one of them is gay. I look at the principal he’s glaring and muttering something to the vice-principal.

And before any of this occurs I notice Alex flinch. He never was good at people not liking him or calling him names. Yes, I know, he was VERY emotional He was very much like a girl in that sense, but I didn’t have to worry about him PMSing or him getting pregnant.

Two hours later, we’re all sitting at our lunch table. Alex is on my side, really wanting to be sitting on my lap right now. I can tell by the way he keeps inching closer to me. I sneak in a few innocent kisses every now and again. I have Juliet and Cassadee on watch, for any faculty members. Kyle and Caleb look really uncomfortable at the fact of what we’re doing.

“Chill, we’re gonna be okay.” I reassure them.

Alex stares at me and opens his mouth, but quickly closes it. He does this a few more times, resembling a fish in the process. I laugh, he made a cute fish, “Just say it Lex.”

“You promised you’d tell me.”

I sigh and lean back. “You’re right he is a homophobe. He said ‘two boys kissing ew.’ Just stay away from him Lex, and we’ll be okay.”

“Bu-but he called us fags.”

“Lex, I know, just ignore him. That’s all you have to do.”

He sighs and still looks sad.

I smile and start to speak, “Did you happen to know my parents are going to be out tonight?” I ask and he shakes his head in return, “Well, I know what may make you feel better.”

“Does that mean, we’re… you’re gonna…we can have sex?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I guess you know whats happening in the next chapter. if not... i don't know what to say

And can i ask for four comments now? because the next chapter is almost done. :)