The Story Left Untold

We Can't Give Up Tonight

’Is it right to sit
and watch this die
we’re slowly letting go
like it’s better left alone
so erase the damages we’ve made
the story left untold
is better than you know

it’s better than you know’

I threw the remote in my hand at the CD player, hearing it crash to the floor and I knew it was broken beyond repair.

’Just like you’re broken heart.’ My conscience murmured and I felt the tears start to build again.

Every thing was perfect until he left. We thought our love would last though the distance.
Yet we slowly drifted apart as I went to school and he went on tour. Then, when he would stay home we fought. We fought nonstop, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I finally had packed my suitcase and was at the door when he found me.

”Where are you going Ashley?” His face was confused, and the tears started to build up again.

“I can’t do this anymore Josh. You’re gone on tour most of the time leaving me here alone, and when you’re back all we do is fight. I’ve had enough of this, it’s not healthy for me.”

“Ashley, don’t leave. I always find comfort in you being here when I come back. It’s the only thing I look forward to when the tour is over. We can work through this…”

“That’s just it Josh, you always say that. Then you leave while we’re still fighting and it’s never resolved. I just… I need to leave this time.”

I left before he could try to convince me otherwise. I drove off in my car to my parent’s house, my mom welcoming me with open arms the minute she saw me crying.

“Honey, are you sure you made the right choice?” Mom asked me when she walked in and saw the broken CD player. She’s been asking me this question for three months. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen him or ever heard from him.

“Why are you always asking me that Mom? I told you why I left in the first place.”

“But are you truly happy with that?” She left my room and I contemplated her question. Was I really happy now?

”Josh, I don’t want to go to bed.” I whined and he chuckled but didn’t argue with me. The mattress was still on the floor and both of just slid down from the couch. We snuggled into each other’s embrace, really just soaking in each others love that had grown so much since we were just best friends.

“I love you Ashley.” Josh whispered as he played with my hair and I smiled.

“I love you too Josh. Always have, and I always will.” His smile matched mine as he leaned down to kiss me, which slowly escalated to one of the greatest nights of my life.

A text interrupted my trip down memory lane. Jimmie sent me a message saying they were already here, and my heart immediately skipped a beat.

It was at this moment that I knew that we still weren’t completely over; not even close. By the time I had gotten downstairs with my suitcase, Mom was already there with my keys in her hand.

“Sometimes the love that has always been there makes up for the fighting. Every relationship has its ups and downs, but it always seems to work itself out in the end.” Mom explained as she handed me the keys. “You and Josh are just like your father and I when we were your age.”

“I love you Mom.” I kissed her cheek before getting into my car.

I drove up to our apartment and noticed that the van wasn’t there. My heart lurched at the thought that he hadn’t come back as I quickly went into our home. I let my suitcase dropped when it seemed like nothing had been touched.

Had I really sent him away?

“Josh…Josh, please talk to me if you’re here.” I heard sniffling coming from our room once everything went silent. I quietly followed the sound to see the door creaked open. A lump formed in my throat as I saw the love of my life with his knees to his chest, the agonizing sobs coming from him.

I opened the door slowly but it creaked and his head snapped up. His eyes widened as if he was seeing a ghost as he stood up. As he was walking towards me, I fully took in his torn appearance. Bags under his eyes, his hair in an utter mess, his shirt wrinkled. He seemed so lost and alone, I barely noticed the flowers in his hands.

“Ashley…” He whispered my name as he reached out to stroke my cheek. I grabbed his hand in mine before I closed the space between us, burying my head in his chest as tears started to form.

“Ashley, I’m so sorry I put you through of all this. Never, since the first moment I met you, had I ever wanted to hurt you. If I could take it all back I could; I don’t think I can make it if you leave again…” I looked up at him and briefly kissed him with tears in both of our eyes.

“Josh, you’ve been my best friend since as far as I can remember, and I still wouldn’t trade it for anything. Sure, there’s a lot more that we need to say, but my heart is still with you…” He handed me the tulips, which are my favorite, but I put them aside and I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I’m not ready to let us die.”

He bent down and kissed me with a passion I haven’t felt in months. Love, need, forgiveness, agony; everything that made our love what it is was in this one kiss.

“I’m not ready to let us go either.” He whispered in my ear before picking me up and taking me towards the bed, our love still much alive even when so much time had passed.
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The first one shot I've written in a LONG time so forgive me if it sucks. Josh is my favorite so I just had to do it about him. No offense to Jimmie, Matt, Dave, or Dennis since they're awesome too :)