Sequel: Burn it down
Status: Updates will be slow

Bat country


I walked briskly down the long halls of the palace towards the throne room. My heels clacking as I walked.

A frown sat on my face. My once bright blue eyes, now filled with anger and confusion.

I threw open the double doors to the throne room and barged right in. Not caring if my father was in the middle of talking to one of our knights or the nasty looks the servants were giving me.

I walked up next to the knight and glared at my father.

My father sighed and dismissed the knight. "Whats wrong Amelia" He asked with frustration.

"What is going on? Why are the maids packing all my clothes into trunks and sending them away?" I asked my father.

He started to look very UN-comfortable and started to shift his weight from one foot to the other and looked down.

"Are we under attack" I asked him.

He sighed again and rubbed his eyes with his pointer finger and thumb before looking at me with sorrowful eyes.

"You know how your birthday was last week" he asked me nervously.

I gave him a confused look. "Of course I remember, it was the day I turned sixteen" I told him.

"And you know all the rules of our kind, right"

"I remember almost all of them. But what does the rules have to do with anything"

My father sighed and motioned for me to fallow him as he left the throne room and headed down one of the halls I remembered that I wasn't allowed to enter without my father or my mother.

We walked for what seemed like forever til we reached a old looking wooden door and walked into the room that turned out to be a library.

I stopped walking in the middle of the room and watched as my father walked over towards the right corner of the room and picked out a large red book.

I watched curiously as my father flipped threw the book as he walked over to me.

"I want you to read rule number 4568" My father told me as he gave me the opened book.

I looked at him curiously and looked back down at the book that was in my hands.

"It says All females of the age of sixteen are legible to be wedded, under certain circumstances stances." I read out loud to my father.

I gave him a confused look again and closed the book.

"So what does that have to do with me" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest.

"You also know were in a war with another pack right" My father asked.

"Yeah, What were they called again" I asked and tapped my chin thinking "Oh yeah there called Sevenfold, Right" I asked my father looking at him suspiciously.

"Well I settled the war"

I was speechless. 'The war between our packs was finally over. Now we don't have to lose anymore knights' I thought in my head and smiled.

I walked over to my father who was putting away the book and hugged him.

"That's great father, but Howard you do it" I asked him.

After I asked my father the question he frowned at me. I could see tears forming in his eyes and threatening to spill over.

"I promised them that you'd merry there leader" my father said.

As those words left his mouth, I could feel my heart break.' My own father was giving me over to those beasts that killed there own kind, just to gain power.' I grew angry as I thought that.