Sequel: Burn it down
Status: Updates will be slow

Bat country


Matt's POV

'Ah, beer. It's like liquid gold' I thought as I took a large gulp, then set it back down on the kitchen table. I don't know how long I've been sitting in the same spot for but I can tell you one thing, and that's I need another beer.

I was about to get up when Brian came in and looked at me worriedly.

"Um, can I help you" I asked him and raised an eye brow.

"I'm worried about Amelia. She's been sitting outside looking depressed for awhile"

When I heard what Brian told me, memories of last night, well earlier today since it was around seven in the morning, came rushing back to me. An when I remembered what I called her I felt really guilty.

'I really shouldn't of called her a bitch, she was just trying to help me but with me having anger problems, I just had to explode at her' I thought and got up from my seat.

"Tell everyone that there's going to be a meeting in two hours" I ordered Brian and started to walk out of the kitchen.

"OK, but where are you going" Brian asked me when I passed him.

I stopped in my tracks and ran a hand threw my extremely short hair, 'here goes my tough guy persona' I thought and looked at Brian.
"I'm going to apologies to Amelia" I told him and continued on my way to the backyard where Brian said Amelia was.

As I stepped outside I instantly felt the California heat warm my already hot body. I looked around the barren backyard and spotted Amelia sitting near the pool house on one of the patio set couches.

I started to walk over to her. She wasn't paying attention, so when I sat down next to her, she kinda jumped a little.

When she looked at me I could see pain and sorrow in her eyes and that for some weird reason sent a jab of hurt through me.

When she looked away from me I turned my head forward and looked around the backyard. 'Damn, every-thing's dead and boring' I thought.

I turned my head back towards Amelia, then lowered it to my lap. 'Am I really going to go through with this' I asked my self as I lifted my head and let out a long sigh that caught Amelia's attention.

Her eyes now showed curiosity instead of the hurt and pain I saw just a few minutes ago, when I first sat down.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and looked at my hands that have suddenly became very interesting.

"I'm sorry but I didn't catch that" Amelia said, She sounded kinda afraid as she spoke to me.

"I said I was sorry" I said looking her straight in the eyes.

"Oh, um apology accepted" she said and looked away from me an looked at the backyard again.

'This is getting us no where obviously she dosn't belive me' I thought as I watched her. She looked like she was uneasy being around me.

"Look, I have a tendency to get....a little angry at stupid things and I am really sorry" I admitted to her.
"And I don't know, there's just so much stuff going on now and I'm really stressed out" I told her.

'wow I sound like a freaking five year old' I thought to myself.

Amelia looked at me, her eyes were a little less fearful an for that I was grateful.

A smile started to make it's way to Amelia's lips and I may be going crazy but I think she's blushing a little bit.

"It's alright. Everyone get's angry sometimes an I'm stressed out too, I mean I was forced out of my home to come live here, with you" Amelia admitted to me.

I gave Amelia a reassuring smile and moved a little closer to her and put my arm around her.

"So, does this mean I'm not a jackass any more" I asked her.

Amelia turned her head and looked at me, her light blue eyes bore into mine as she looked at me.

"That all depends, does it" She asked and I felt her leaning against me. Out of instinct I started to lower my head towards hers.

"I guess it does" I said and softly pecked her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you all think.
The next chapter will be mostly with the A7X guys.



P.S the-quiet-one

Got my question right. Kazul is a cat demon