Sequel: Burn it down
Status: Updates will be slow

Bat country

Meeting room

Matt's POV

"I can't fucking take this" I shouted and threw the papers that Vengeance gave me that had all of Sir Racina's men on it and there ware abouts and Kazul wasn't on any of the papers, So right now I'm thinking she lied to us.

"Maybe they were tempered with." Brian said as he started to pick up the files.

Currently we were in our meeting room which was located in the highest tower of the castle. It was also the only room that the guy's acted there age.

"Zacky tell Alex to get me some advil." I ordered Zacky as I fell back into my chair and rubbed my tired eyes.

It's been three days since Amelia and I kissed.

But in those three days a few things have happened.

One: someone started a fire close to my castle, but we got it undercontroled
Two: Someone broke into Amelia and I's room and tried to kill her or something, but thankfully Johnny was able to kill the bastard.
An Three: We have no fucking clue why Kazul is here.

"Alex told me to tell you to screw yourself." Zacky said bluntly as he entered the room again.

Letting my anger get the best of me I raised out of my chair and punched the table that was in front of me. I heard a ear splitter crack as the table cracked in half then fell into two peaces.

"Sorry." Zack mumbled for some reason.

"What the fuck are you apologising for?"

"For telling you what Alex said."

"Zack your a fucking moron." I mummble as I lean back into my chair.

"Hey where did Brian go?" Jimmy asked as he looked around the room.

We were so busy doing our own thing that we didn't even notice that our friend dissapeared from the room. Where he went I have no clue.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it took so long to post this chapter, my life has been hell for the past few months an I can't think straight. An now I have a BF so my mind is all jumbled up. plus I got bored with the story's plot and decided to change it a little bit.

There will be a sequal, but this story won't enf for a few more chapters.

Sorry about the short chapter.