Sequel: Burn it down
Status: Updates will be slow

Bat country

New home

As those words left his mouth, I could feel my heart break.' My own father was giving me over to those beasts that killed there own kind, just to gain power.' I grew angry as I thought that.

"How could you" I yelled as I let go of my father. Sorrow evident in his eyes.

"Amelia, I'm sorry. But I had to or else they would of destroyed us all" My father said trying to calm me down.

"Your sorry! Your sorry my ass! Father you just gave them me! Your only daughter!" I yelled at him and took a few steps away from him.

"I know. But it's better then knowing I saved your life then knowing you died"

"I rather die then be anywhere near them and you" I yelled pointing my finger at him and storming to the door.

"Well you are going to be marrying there king weather you like it or not. And you leave in an hour so go help the servants pack your stuff and wear something more presentable" My father shouted as I exited the library.

I slammed the door shut and walked, well more like stormed down the hallway towards my room.

'OK Amy think rationally here' I told my self, trying to calm down. 'Yes you are marrying a total Jackass but you are doing it to save your people's lives'.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway and took a big breath and exhaled it slowly.

'Just think about all of the people you will be saving by marrying there king' I told my self as I walked over to my almost empty closet and started to look for a presentable Dress.

After I changed I put the rest of my dresses into a suit case and gave it to the servants so that they could bring it down to the horse drawn carriage down stairs.

I sigh as I take one last look at what was my room for sixteen wonderful years of my life. And was hoping to keep it for another four or so years, But seeing as how that's not Guenna happen it made me feel home sick even though I haven't even left yet.

With one final look at my room I left it and headed down to the
horse drawn carriage that will take me to my new home and new life.

I sighed as I walked down the last few steps of the only home I knew of and headed over to my angry father and sobbing mother.
I hugged my mother good bye and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then I walked over to my father and slapped him across the face then got into the carriage and signaled for it to move.

I waved good bye to my parents and my life.

The carriage ride started off nice and smooth. The forest was beautiful and tranquil. But soon as we started to get to there territory the forest got kinda spookier and everything started too look over grown. It sent chills up my spine just looking at it.

It took us almost eight hours to get to there castle . It looked dead and spookier.

As I stepped out of the carriage with the help of the driver I came face to face with a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi! I'm Alexandria but you can call me Alex" said the girl enthusiastically.

"Hi. I'm Amelia, but you can call me Amy" I told her and shook her hand.

"Oh, your the girl who's supposed to merry my brother aren't you"

'Her brother?'. "Um if his name's Matt then yes, I am"

"Hurray!!! That means your gonna be my sister-in-law" Alex shouted and then she hugged me.

"Um I guess" I said and hugged her back.

"How about I show you around the castle" Alex stated more then asked as she started to pull me towards the castle.

"Um, sure" I said.

I fallowed Alex as she led me threw the castle, showing me the dining room, Living room, which is the least scary room in the castle,Kitchen and finally the room I've been dreading.

The throne room.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay chapter 2 is out.

I would like to thank MusicMadness for commenting, so thank you.

Please comment, Doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

Alexandria aka MusicMadness