Sequel: Burn it down
Status: Updates will be slow

Bat country

Meet the man who owns my soul

And finally the room I've been breading, the Throne room.

I pull my arm away from Alexandra and smoothed out the invisible wrinkles in my dress. I grabbed the sides and lifted them up slightly, so that I could walk better.

I take a big breath then exhale it.

"Alright lets go in" I told Alex and fallowed her as she walks into the throne room.

As we entered the first thing I notices was that the room was huge, the walls were all brick and there were five guys spread around the room.

I walk slowly and gracefully go up the first set of steps and walk up the to the second, but in stead of going up the second set I stay where I am and curtsy to who I'm guessing is there king/ leader the man that now owns my soul,Matt or should I say Shadows.

"I'm Princess Amelia Lynn Rose Racina the third" I introduce myself and curtsy again.

When I come back up from curtsying I look at Shadows and saw him smirk a very sinister smirk.

"You know, you are much more beautiful in person then in pictures" Shadows said as he stood up from his throne and walked over to me.

"thank you" was all I could say because as soon as those words left my mouth his smirk grew.

Shadows walked around me. Looking me up and down like I'm some sort of prize he just won.

"You must be tired after your long journey"


"Johnny! take Amelia to the guest room" Shadows ordered to a guy with blond hair with black patches.

Johnny just nodded and turned around heading out of the throne room. I lift the fringes of my dress and hurry to fallow this Johnny guy to my room.

As we enter the hallway we head to the right and started to walk in an uncomfortable silence.

As we walked I admired the pictures on the walls they were....certainly different, they consist of skulls with bat wings.

Finally we arrive at whats supposed to be my room. Johnny opens the door and lets me in first.

The room was nice, plain but nice. The walls were white with flower pictures on the walls.

"The bathroom is over here" Johnny said pointing to a room that was attached to the bedroom . "Towels are on the towel rack." .

"And your clothes are on the in the closet. If you need anything else find a servant" Johnny told me then left.

"I guess I could use a shower" I said to myself and grabbed a fluffy white towels and and grabbed a silk nightgown and headed into the bathroom.

The shower water felt wonderful on my tense muscles. I used some of the shampoo and conditioner that smelled like watermelon to wash my hair.

When I was finally done showering I changed into my nightgown. It was soft and went down a third of my thigh.

After I got dressed I brushed out my hair and walked out of the bathroom, but stopped dead in my tracks and screamed when I saw him laying on the bed looking at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the short chapter. I was being distracted alot today.

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