Sequel: Burn it down
Status: Updates will be slow

Bat country

Ball part 1

"Well if there's going to be a ball we should go get dressed" I told Alex and walked out of the kitchen and headed to my room.

I was halfway to my room when I saw Shadows walking my way. Memory's of last night suddenly came flooding back to me. An idea suddenly came to me.

I walked over to Matt, his stern fierce expression changed to one I couldn't identify.

I stopped walking right in front of him and back handed him in the face. I pulled my hand back to me and looked at Matt again. He was in shock. And he has a pretty red hand mark on his cheek.

I smile at him and started to walk back to my room again.

Once I was in my room I locked the door in-case Matt tried to do something to me.

I walk deeper into the room and saw a gorgeous dress laid out on my bed. "wow, it's beautiful" I said out loud as I looked at the dress.

As I examined the dress I found a note next to the dress.

A beautiful dress for my beautiful princess-From Matt.

'Aw how sweet. It almost makes me feel bad for slapping him' I thought to my self.

I stripped out of the dress I was wearing and head into the bathroom and took a nice long hot shower. When I stepped out I wrapped a towel around myself and head back into my room to find my curling and straiting irons.

After searching for ten minutes I only found my straightening iron I gave up my search and plug in the iron.

I walk over to the dress and slip it on.

'It fit's perfectly'

"How could he possibly know what my size is" I asked out loud.

After thinking of all the possibility's I gave up and walk over to the now hot straight iron and start straitening it.

It took me almost an hour to get my hair perfectly strate and to put on a light ammount of make-up.

"Now all I need is a tiara to go with the dress then I'd be all set" I said out loud.

I was looking in my closet when someone nocked on the door.

'I hope it's not Matt' I thought as I walked slowly to the door, luck deffenetally wasn't on my side because he was at the door.

"Yes" I said trying to act innocent.

"Here you'll need this" Matt said handing me a box.

"Oh, um ok thank you" I said then opened the box. Inside was a beautiful tiara.

"How'd you know I needed a tiara" I asked him as I put it on.

"Well first of all you didn't pack any and secondly I heard you talking to your self" Matt told me as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my room and down the hall.

"You can stop dragging anytime you know"

"I know but this way's faster"

"Jackass" I mumbled quietly, but not quiet enought because Matt squeezed my arm tighter and started to walk faster.

We walked in total silence for the rest of the walk to the ball room.

Once we came to stop in front of a double door, Matt removed his tight grip from my arm and wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and lead me into the ball room.

The ballroom was beautiful. People were scattered every where. Millions of conversations could be heard going on at one moment.

Matt led me over to some stairs in the right side of the room and led me up them. At the top of the stairs was a balcony where we could see everyone.

"See those people over there" Matt asked me and pointed to the back right hand corner where a tallish man with long and kinda wavy hair stood with his hand around a blond haired woman.

"Yeah, who are they" I asked him

"That's Bert McCracken with his wife Nicole, they own the west side of bat counrty. We need to stay close friends with them"

"Why do we need to stay close" I asked him.

"So that we don't get into a war with them"


"And the couple's over there" Matt said to the left corner of the room, where two tall men and two women stood talking.

"They are Joel and Benji Madden and there wives Paige and Heather, they own all of Maryland" Matt told me.

"Is there anyone else I should know" I asked him.

"Um yeah" Matt said then scanned the crowd. "The couple over there near the refreshments, are Jacob Hoggard and his girlfriend Alma" Matt told me.

"Where do they rule" I asked him and watched the couples he pointed out to me.

"All of Canada, So do not get ether of them mad" Matt warrned.

I nodded and continued to watch everyone enjoying them selfs until a strong sour scent came into the room.

"Ew, whats that smell" I asked turning to look at Matt. Matt growled, his teeth bared as he saw the source of the smell.

"She is all of our worst nightmare" He answered and jumped off of the balcony.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not to sure about the chapter. Tell me what you think and leave a comment.

(Might not update tomorrow because it's my B-day)

Jacob Hoggard singer of hedley
Joel and Benji Madden
Bert McCracken Lead singer of The Used
