Sequel: Burn it down
Status: Updates will be slow

Bat country

Ball part 2

Matt's pov

"She is all of our worst nightmare" I answered and jumped off of the balcony.

As I landed on the floor, guests started to make a path for me. As I walked towrds the scent my nose started to burn.

Then, I saw her.

I could feel my anger start to take over my body. My limbs started to get stiff, telling me I should change soon. My pupils started to change there shape and everything started to look sharper as well as my teeth.

"What the fuck do you want Kazul" I asked her as I stood in front of her.

"I came to see you Matty poo" was her reply.

"I don't give a shit about you, so leave my fucking castle"

"Aw don't be like that" Kazul said as she started to walk around me, but I kept walking away from her.

"I can be however the fuck I want"

"Then I guess I'll have to force you to come with me" was all she said before she pounced.

I just barily doged the attack before she tried to punch me. I grabbed her arm as it came close to me and flipped her over and watched as she landed on the refreshment table.
As she got up I could tell that she was mad now because her eyes turned into slits and she started to hiss at me.

I growled back at her as we both charged at each other.

A loud bang echoed threw out the room when we made conctact with each other.
Guests started to hurry out of the room so that they and there loved ones didn't get hurt.

I growled louder when Kazul punched and made contact with my left eye.

When she tried to pull away I grabbed her arm again and flipped her again.

I couldn't handle it anymore I changed into my wolf form.

When I was finished changeing I looked up at Kazul and saw fear in her eyes. I smirked inwardly and lunged at her throat.

I could feel the softness of her flesh in my mouth and bit down, hard. I could feel something hot and sweet fill my mouth and bit down harder till I heard a snap.

When I let go, I watched as she fell to the ground and iied there motionlessly.

"Fucking bitch" I muttered and looked up to see if Amelia was still on the balcony or if the guy's took her to her room.

I sighed when I didn't see Amelia on the balcony and started to walk out of the room.

When I was in the hallway the only sound was of my paws as they made contact while I ran down the hallway.

When I reached my destination, my room. I changed into my human form and walked inside.

I walked deeper into the room and what I saw was a big surprise. Amelia was asleep in my bed. A smirk grew on my face as I walked to the other side of the bed. I slowly got in and wraped both my arms around her.

She started to stir as I started to move my arm that was on top of her down wards without her even noticing.

I slipped my arm under her gown slowly.

I placed my hand gently on her back and had it slide down, when it reached it's destination,her tailbone I used my thrmb to slowly rub circles.

I watched as she jumped when she felt my hand. She quickly looked over her shoulder and her eyes widdened with shock.

I smirked at her and got on top of her. Tonight was going to be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it was late.

I have good and bad news.
Bad news, I can only update this story on the weekends.
Good news next week is a shortened week for me so I can work on more chapters.

Matt's room
