Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

What The Hell?!?


Eric glared at me too intense but, i really didn't care so i went to the park with Edward although Edward didn't talk to me that much, i knew he was still angry at me. "Edward, look I'm really sorry but i don't know how that got there." He turned and smiled at me. "I said we should forget this ever happened as long as you're not cheating on me, it's fine." I felt a pang of guilt, what am i going to do? I don't even know who to put the blame on.

It was 11pm and I dreaded going back home, Edward wanted to drop me off but i refused. "Why don't you ever want me near your house?" I had nothing to tell him. "'s just that um...." He saw what i was doing and he smiled And kissed me. "It's fine, when you want me to come, I'll come, goodnight love." He kissed my forehead then my lips and went home. I even felt more guilty than the word meant.

I went in ready to face the music, I opened the door not wanting to step one foot in, in case i got shot at (you never know). I creep walked in and went upstairs and the house was creepily quiet. So i switched on all the lights so i could feel a lot safer. I went into the room and saw Eric at the window. I just decided to act casual, although that has a one percent chance of working. "Hey, you left school early, what's up." I said walking towards him, his back facing me. He turned around an pushed me against the bed and i hit my forehead on the wooden part. Ouch. I looked up at him with fear in my eyes. "You thought i was joking when i said you should stay away from that guy." He stood over me and slapped me hard across the face, I could have sworn my neck cracked. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. "You think i want to hit you?" This was the scariest I've seen him. I tried to release his grip on me but he held on tighter.

He pulled my hair to make me stand, "You know what, take of your clothes right now." Is he crazy? "What, no way, are you out of your mind?" He came closer "Don't make me repeat that." I still didn't take off my clothes. He held me tighter and ripped open my shirt. "Eric, stop, what are you doing." Please, don't tell me I'm about to get raped by my fiance. He then pushed me to the bed and was on top of me "This is what happens when you don't listen to me. I have every right to sleep with you because I'm going to be your husband officially tomorrow." "Then, wait till the wedding comes." I'm sure as hell not going to that wedding tomorrow, after all this. He got off me and left the room, talk about mental people. What is up with him? I can't even be around him anymore.

I went to the mirror, i was bleeding seriously, i tried cleaning it but i ended up shouting. I saw Eric coming in through the reflection on the mirror. "What do you want now." "I'm sorry about what happened earlier on, i guess i was just mad." I turned around and looked at him with as much anger as I could "You guess you were just mad, dude, you almost raped me." He came over and tried cleaning my bruises, i still shouted but he did it. "Well, thank you Eric, I'll be going to bed now." If he thinks I've forgiven him, he's got another thing coming. He stopped me and looked at me for like a minute "I think i love you."
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OK...sorry for the extremely slow update. I've been quite busy with school work and all. So, um, I'll post another one today, if I get at least six comments (from different people *wink*) Thanks 4 enduring with me. Have fun.
And yeah, I'm in a different time zone now, so for those in the US, it should be like 12:01am, Monday but it's 8:01am, yeah UK time and all. Just thought I should let you guys know in case of any confusion or inconvenience, also if ur in another different time zone.
I ♥ all my readers so much.....