Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

Can't Take It

I turned around and saw Edward right behind me. Shit! "Edward, i can explain-" He cut me off, "So, this is why you didn't want me in your house because he was here." He looked really hurt which made me hurt too. "No, Edward i can explain." He stood still and was looking at me, "I'm listening." "I'm supposed to be getting married to Eric tomorrow, it's an arranged marriage." Well, i've said it. "What! And you couldn't tell me this." "No, it's just that i really l-"

Eric cleared his throat "In case you've forgotten i'm right here, so don't say anything inappropriate." I ignored him. "Edward, i love you, i really do." "So, you expect me to be dating a married girl, is that what you want?" Eric looked really pissed "If you wouldn't mind, i would like to take her in." He laughed and threw his hands in the air, "Of course, she's all yours and Amanda i'm done." He turned and walked away from me. Me.Eric smirked at me "Wow, worst break-up ever, well, we better get you ready to go to your mom's house." I didn't say a word.To me, the world had ended.


"Hello darling, how nice to see you, aren't you excited, well i have good news for you." I looked up at her, "You're stopping the wedding?" She frowned at me "Heck no, now why would i do such a thing?" Because you love me, though I didn't say that out loud. "Amy is in your bridal train and she's coming over now so you guys can have a bachelorette party or whatever you guys call it these days, how nice is that?" I was about to answer that unnecessary question when my phone rang and it was Eric, i was contemplating on whether to pick it or not until i saw my mum raise an eyebrow.

I picked up the phone."What?" I don't even know why I'm still talking to this douche."I hear you're having a party, now if i were you, i wouldn't want to socialize with any guy because I was against this whole thing at first but you're mom insisted seeing all the trouble she put you through, so are we clear?" Is he high on cheap drugs? "I'll do whatever i want to do. "Are you serious, Amanda, do you really want to go through this again?" "Bye, you're taking up my time." I dropped the phone and the bell rang. Ugh. I opened the door and saw Amy i practically jumped on her, well ther's someone I actually want to see "OMG, Amy i've missed you so much." "Says the girl who never called." "I got a new phone and i lost your number, you know i can't go a day without calling you." She smiled, "Well, get ready cuz we're going to PARTY." I really didn't want to go clubbing because i wasn't in the mood for it and i had a feeling Eric had people watching out for me in practically every club. "Amy where are we going?" "My friend's having a party and i know you don't like clubbing so....i decided we should go to the party instead", "Woohoo." She noticed my sarcasm and I smiled.


There were not that much people there and i saw someone who looked like Nick Jonas and Joe Jonas,wow, another Hollywood party, I better behave myself, easy things get on magazines. And he turned and it was Joe Jonas, I smiled although I didn't really want to talk, I tried to find my way to Amy, where is she? I found a corner with no-one there, so i just sat there and took a drink(ginger beer). "So what's you're name?"I turned to see who it was and it was Joe, what, is he following me too? "Um....Amanda, why are you here?" He looked at me in a weird way. "No, i meant aren't you like supposed to be swarmed with girls?" He laughed. "I escaped." I gave him the 'ah' look. Then Amy jumped in "Hey, what are you doing here all by yourseeeeeeeeeelf isthat a Jonas Brother i see there, don't worry i won't pounce on you....yet." Joe was kind of freaked out by the look on his face. I just laughed. She gave me the 'i see what you're trying to do' look "It's your last day of being single so live it to the fullest."Joe rose an eyebrow up "Last day?" Great! "Oh, she's getting married tomorrow." I glared at Amy, "Amy, don't you think it'll be better if you used a microphone or better create a blog." Then she got my point and mouthed sorry. Joe looked surprised "How old are you?" I smiled, "Arranged." "They still do that?" "No, but my parents do." Then my phone rang and it was HIM. "What, can't i have some peace?" Really, what is up with this dude? "It's 1AM, i think you should be heading home." I dropped the phone.

"It was nice meeting you Joe, i think i should be leaving if not i'll be taken home by the police, trust me." He laughed, "Nice meeting you too." "Joe, i've been looking for you, you left me out there to fend for myself." Now i see why Nick is the cute one, then he looked at me. "Hi.", I smiled, "Hi, by the way where's the third one, Kevin." "Marriage stuff." I mumbled "Welcome to the club." At least he's happy. "Well, Joe and Nick, this is where we part, bye." I found Amy "Let's go already." "Already?" If she wasn't my friend, who knows what I would have done to that pretty face of hers? "What do you mean already, we've been here for 4 hours?" She sighed, "Fine, let's go."


I opened the door and i saw Eric. "Seriously, are you everywhere?" He ignored me, "Can i talk to you privately." "Why?" My mum shot me a glare and I followed him into my room, "You are attending the wedding, right?" Aww, he's scared of being himiliated. "I don't know depends on my mood, guess who i saw today, Jonas Brothers. I saw a flash of anger but faded too quickly, "I didn't ask you that, where do you want to go for our honeymoon?" My mouth shot open, "Woah, slow down, i haven't even made it to the wedding yet?" He grabbed my hand and held on to it tightly and I winced in pain, "You will, won't you?" I was about to say something but he kissed me and i didn't pull back maybe because i was tired and i moaned. Just great. He opened the buttons to my blouse while kissing me "You will, right?" He held me tightly kissing all over my body "You will, won't you?" "Yes." He pecked me. Where did that come from, not from me, that's for sure. He stopped kissing me and looked at me, smirking, "Settled, see you in church, don't keep me waiting."

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I'm so sorry for the very very very late update, I don't know what's been wrong with me. Anyways, I just started a new story, Everybody Loves Mandy Hutcherson, please check it out and tell me what you think so I can post another chapter.
Anyways, just need 5 comments or more to update the next chapter to this story. Again, sorry for the late updates, you can send me hate comments about that, if you want (that's my punishment) I'll update faster now. I think I was turning into a vampire, then...LAME EXCUSE.
Comment and Suscribe. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥