Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

You Can Run But You Can't Hide


I opened the door to my room getting ready to have a bath and relax then maybe call Amy because I was really missing her. I stripped to my undies and entered the bathroom, something's just not right. "Welcome back baby!" I almost died when I heard HIS voice in fact I died on the inside but was alive on the outside. I turned and saw no other than Eric Crawford, the man of my nightmares. "What.Are.You.Doing.Here?" I started backing away slowly. He came towards me in slow paces, I was scared shit. "Do you know what you fucking did to me back there?" He grabbed my wrists tightly. Oh no, I'm actually going to die. "Eric, stop you're hurting me." I tried to let go, "Oh, I haven't even started hurting you yet, I'm supposed to kill you but you were lucky not to be found with another guy." My eyes grew wide. Kill Me?

Immediately he said that, someone knocked on my door "Amanda!" Oh shit, it was Robert. Really, he picked now to come? Eric turned to glare at me "Who the hell is that?" I said faintly "Room service." He roughly let go of my hand and went towards the door "Who the fuck are you?" TROUBLE. "Excuse me? Who are you?" "I'm Amanda's husband." I needed to go there before things get bloody. I wore a bathrobe and went to the door. How the hell did he find me? Robert stared at me hard "Is it true?" Took me seconds, "I think it may have slipped my mind." I'm not even married to him but I won't say that because I love myself. He just walked off. What's his problem? I closed the door and turned to meet a death glare that can send you six feet under, I ran to the bathroom and closed the door, breathing heavily. "Baby, stay there as long as you want but you and I both know you're gonna come out sooner or later." What the hell did I get myself into? "You can go to hell." he laughed, "Mandy, anywhere I go,you go." Thank God the bathroom was big. I heard the door close shut, Eric must have left, I slightly opened the door and he wasn't in the room, so I changed and tried to escape. I opened the door and saw him right in front of me. Shit. "Where are you going to?" He held my wrist very tight and pushed me to the wall and I fell. "I'm sorry please don't hurt me!" He came down to my level on the floor "Why do you make me do these things, you think I enjoy doing them, what do you think happens when you screw with my head?" He stood up, removed his shirt and laid on the bed. "You make me do things I never knew I could."

Eric's POV

I turned and opened my eyes and Amanda was nowhere to be found, that girl just dosen't quit. I looked at the time it was 2am and she wasn't here. The door opened and she sneaked in thinking I was still sleeping so I switched on the side light.


I tried as quiet as possible to enter the room so Eric wouldn't wake up but then the lights came on. Heartbeat skipped. "Where were you?" "I went out for a walk." "For how long?" "I don't know, was I supposed to keep track of time." He sat up, "Anyway we're going back to California tomorrow." He got up from the bed and was going to watch TV. "You can go but I'm staying." He stopped dead on his tracks. "What did you say?" He's so freaking bossy. "I said I'm staying, got a problem with that?" He came towards me. "You really don't want to get me angry because it's not pretty. I ignored him and he laughed which was weird. he sat down and put on the TV, "That dude he looks familiar, wasn't he in that movie, um, what's it again, um, moonlight with that hot chick." "You mean twilight." Trying to ignore that hot chick statement. Not that it bothered me. "Yeah, that." I went into the other room and slept off. I just can't stand him, where my parents high on cheap drugs when they tried to get me involved with this guy?


I saw Amanda enter the other room so I went in there later on and she was sleeping, she looked so sweet and beautiful, I went over and kissed her. I loved this girl with all my heart and she had no idea, I'm obsessed with her love but I can't show it. I picked up her phone and scrolled through the contacts and saw Edward's name, I deleted it and Robert's number and I saw a Taylor Lautner, I deleted it and dropped it and went into bed with her and held her close to me.

I whispered in her ear "Amanda, you'll be the death of me." She stirred and said something although it was inaudible, i smiled and kisssed her shoulder and closed my eyes.
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Ok, another chapter. Yay me. Anyways, hope you like it, keep suscribing and commenting and you'll get a whole lot more.
I'm open to any ways I could improve this story.