Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

Dirty Little Secrets


I was in a dream where I was being cheered on by a huge crowd so I was smiling until I tried to stir on the bed but i couldn't because someone's hand was around me. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Eric next to me. What is wrong with this boy? I tried to get my way out but he held on tighter. "Um, Eric i need to get up!" His grip was getting tighter, "Why, can't you stay here with me?" Ok, what is wrong with this guy, first, he wants to kill me, now he wants me? Weirdo, that reminds me I needed to call Amy. "Eric, I have to call someone." His eyes shpt open "Who?" That was scary. "Amy!" He reluctantly let me go. I went over to my phone and dialled Amy's number. "Hello?" She sounded sleepy, oh, I forgot, different time zones. "Amy, it's Amanda!" I heard stuff falling on the other side of the phone. "Amanda?" "Yes, Amy it's me." I was smiling. Oh I missed her so much. "Oh, so now you decide to call me and then you tell me I'm your best friend." She emphasized on the best friend part. "No, I was going to call you sooner but I needed a phone." That reminds me I also have to call Taylor. "So where are you, your mum paractically died when you were missing and Eric, ugh, don't let me get started." "Don't worry, I'm in London and he found me." There was an akward silence. "He found you? Are you okay Mandy?" So I'm not the only person who sees his evilness. "I'm okay, everything's okay, don't worry, Amy I saw your boyfriend from twilight." I was waiting for the scream. "SHUT UP! You mean you met the Robert Pattinson." "Yeah, but he's not that great, I mean you make it sound like he's from heaven." "That's because he is and I want an autograph, at least that's the least you could do for me after LEAVING WITHOUT TELLING ME." Typical Amy, that's why I love her. "I will." "Mandy when are you coming back?" I actually haven't thought about that. "Awww, is Amy missing me?" "OF COURSE I'M MISSING YOU." "I'll come back soon, okay?" I miss her, "You better." I smiled and a tear escaped my eyes, "Ok, bye." And the call disconnected. I decided to call Taylor before he thinks bad of me. I scrolled for his name and it wasn't there and I noticed Robert's number wasn't either and Edward....WHAT! I turned to look at Eric who was staring at me, that still scares the crap out of me. "Eric, why the hell did you delete my contacts." "Because I'm the only guy you should know." He said it so casually like there was no problem. Ugh this boy makes me so mad.

He was on his mac then he looked up at me "I hear the twilight premiere is taking place here, we should go." I don't know what he's up to but I'm not going. "Yeah, that's a good idea but you are going alone." He laughed, "Yeah right!" I sighed, "Eric, why are you bent on making my life miserable, where you sent." He looked hurt. "I would never do that to you." And he kissed me. "C'mon why don't we go shopping for tonight." I couldn't be bothered to argue. "Whatever."

We went to practically all the shops in London, Lord knows how much we spent. Then again, I still couldn't be bothered.


It was time for the premiere and there was a huge crowd, talk less of the papparazzi, and Eric was talking to some people, at least now I'm alone, then I saw Taylor, I had to be careful not to be seen by Eric but most especially the paparazzi talking to Taylor. My life would be ruined. It already is, just more ruined. I walked up to him "Hey." Ok he didn't look happy to see me. "Ok, sorry I see I'm not wanted here I'll just take my leave." I turned around to go but he held my hand "You didn't call me." Is that why he was acting weird because I didn't call him. "I wanted to this morning but I may have accidently deleted it." I was looking round for Eric, incase he was coming. "What are you looking for?" "Oh, I'm trying not to be seen." Okay, that came out wrong. He looked angry. "Oh, you don't want to be seen with me?" "No, I'm escaping the, uh, paparazzi, they keep asking me about my dad and stuff. "Why?" He looked confused. "He owns the hotel." I just found out that was true. "Oh, really, that's nice." i smiled and nodded. Some girls came over to Taylor for a picture, I turned to leave, he held me "Let's go out tomorrow." OMG, what should I say, if I say no, he'll get angry, if I say yes, Eric might find out and that leaves me where?" "Ok, um, here's my number." I gave him my number and practically ran towards Eric."Where have you been?" "With Kristen Stewart." I had to lie. "Who?" Of course he wouldn't know. "The hot chick from twilight." He ought to know her now. "Oh....why don't you introduce me?" "Um, okay." I searched frantically for Kristen and thank God she was free, so we made our way towards her. "Hey Kristen!" Hoping she would be friendly. "Hey, Amanda." Oh, she remembers my name? "Um, this is Eric, my boyfriend." She shook his hand in a very seductive way. What? And he kissed her hand "Pleased to meet you, I'm a huge fan of twilight." Ok, is it me or are they obviously flirting with each other. They were still looking at each other until I cleared my throat. Then some fans came towards her "It was really nice meeting you Eric." And she left. "Thanks for not saying you were my husband, because I would have killed you." He laughed, "Like I would say that in front of Kristen Stewart, I would have preffered it if you even called me a friend," He let go of my hand, "I'm tired so I'll be heading back, so should you." And he left me there,dazed. What did he just say? I didn't know when Robert came over to me. "Hey!" "Um, hey." I came down to earth. "So where's he?" He was looking around, "He who?" "Your guy?" "Oh, that, he's gone to bed." "So...." But he couldn't finish, because girls came towards him. WOW. I left for my room.


It hurt me saying those things to her, I thought if I said something that would hurt her, she might want me as freaking bad as I want her. I mean I want her to be mine forever. Then she came in, she saw me and walked off to the other direction. That hurt. She entered the bathroom in the other room, I entered and grabbed her from behind. "Eric, what the hell do you think you're doing?" "Holding you, what does it look like?" Oh, she smells so nice. "Okay, if you don't mind I want to have my bath." She turned and looked at me, I could stand there forever. "I mind." I said and she just walked out.


Why does Eric have to be so argh, like he can't remember the episode with Kristen. I quickly entered the other bathroom and locked the door, had a bath and slept off.


I entered the room and she was sleeping, I had a shower and stepped into bed with her. "I love you so fucking much, Amanda, you don't know what you do to me." Funny how I say these things when she's sleeping and she can't hear me.



I woke up with Eric sleeping beside me but I have to admit, he looks hot and sexy when he sleeps. I called room service and ordered breakfast, I ate, had a bath and decided to dress up for the "Operation Secret Date With Taylor Lautner." I dressed up and I looked at the mirror to notice Eric was leaning on the door looking at me. "Where are you going?" "My mum called me and told me to meet a wedding organiser apparently we're redoing the wedding." When did I learn how to lie like that? He came behind me and kissed my neck "Of course we're redoing the wedding, baby." My phone vibrated, I stood up and read the message from Taylor. Let's have lunch "Well, I have to get going." He pecked me. "Have fun." "I will." I kind of felt bad, but who cares. It's Eric I'm dealing with here.

I met up with Taylor in front of a lovely restaurant, he pecked me. I didn't want to tell him that I didn't want to be seen or he'll get the wrong idea. I kept looking around for any sign of cameras, i was so scared. "You look very lovely." I smiled. "You too." The waiter came and took our orders. We talked for a while and anytime we went outside, I would use my bag and cover my face but Taylor didn't notice. It was late and I had to get going before scar face became suspicious "I had fun, Taylor." He came closer and gave me a kiss. " I did too, let's do this again, what do you say." "Okay, I would love to." What is wrong with me, it's like i have a death wish. He drove off and I went in to see Eric watching a movie. "Baby, is that you?" I decided to have fun "No, it's your worst nightmare." I said that in a deep voice. "Ooooh, I'm so scared, somebody save me." I laughed, he stood up and made his way to me and kissed me and before I knew it, we were on the bed making out and I must say I enjoyed it. "Eric, I have to go and have a bath." He looked like a baby. "Party Pooper. How was your day anyway?" "Lovely." I entered the bath with my phone, in case anything happened, then Taylor sent a message (see what i mean).

"Good night, sweet dreams, hope you dream of me cuz i know i will."

I quickly deleted all the messages. I got dressed in my nightie and Eric was lying down on the bed so I decided to join him and he noticed it and held me tighter. "Good night Eric." "I would have said something but you're awake and I always say it when you're sleeping." He kissed me and we went to bed.


I woke up with a loud "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS." I saw him holding a magazine with me and Taylor on the front cover, kissing. SHIT!
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Cliffhangers, gotta love 'em
Gotta stop using celebs, anyways hope you liked this. Sorry for the late update.
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Much Love.