Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage



I woke up before Amanda because I wanted to show her a surprise, so I went to the lounge and I saw the magazines rack something caught my eye:'TAYLOR'S SECRET LOVER REVEALED' and the girl looked so much like Amanda so I went up close and it was MY AMANDA, right there and then I didn't know what to do so I stormed up to the room. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS." She turned and looked at me, when she saw the picture, her eyes widened.


I was bewildered and not to talk of, scared shit out of my pants. "Eric, I can explain, please let me explain, there was nothing going on honestly." Oh Shit! He just stormed out. "Oh My God, what have I done?"


"I need a ticket for the next plane to California." I felt like crying, how could she do this to me? When I thought everything was finally going well. "How will you be seating, sir?" I wasn't listening to what anyone was saying, I was busy thinking how my world came crashing down. "Hello sir?" I looked up "What?" She shook a bit, "How will you be seating?" "First class!" I snapped. "Ok." I took my boarding pass and waited for my flght to be announced. Shit.

The flight was finally announced and I stood up and got in and still felt like shit. I wish could just get out when the plane was in the air. That would end my heartache.


Why is his number not available, where is he? My phone rang, it was Taylor, ugh I don't have time for this. I went down to the lounge and asked the receptionist if she had seen Eric. "He left here like an hour ago." "Do you know where he went?" I asked hopefully, "I'm sorry, i don't know." I sighed, "Thanks anyway." She nodded and smiled. I guess I'll just wait till night for his call or him returning. He probably hates me now.


I landed and went straight to my house, I was hurting more than ever, how could she do that to me when I thought she was actually falling for me. I picked up my guitar and played anything that came to my head till my fingers hurt which was what I wanted so I could just forget this for one second. I got tired and threw myself on my bed and as I thought about Amanda, it hurt so much. Why did she have to do this?



What the hell! Where is he? I hope he's not hurt. There was a knock on the door, I practically flew to the door hoping it was Eric, but it was Taylor. "Oh!" I looked towards the ground, "You don't look happy to see me." he pouted. "No, I was just expecting it to be someone else." Ok, that sounded rude. But who cares right now. "So, you want me to go." By the way, what was he doing here at 2AM. "No, i don't mean that." He smiled, "I called you like ten times today, and you didn't pick up your phone." And I thought he would have gotten the point. "I was out and left my phone here accidentally." He was smiling till he saw my face clearly, "You look like you've been crying, is there something wrong." No shit! "Taylor, did you see the magazines today?" He smiled which left me wondering what was so funny. "Yeah, I did, people kept asking me if it was true." I looked up, "And what did you tell them?" "Well, that's why I'm here." Oh No! "What? I don't understand?" He came closer, "Will you be my girlfriend?" SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! "Um, this is all so sudden." He held my waist. "I'll give you time, but I've made up my mind and I want you." He kissed me, "Ok, I'll think about it."


I decided to call Amy and tell her because I thought she might know what to do. I dialled her number. "Hello?" "It's Eric." Awkward silence, "I thought you were in England?" I sighed, "Yeah well, long story and I want to talk to you about it?" Seriously tense and awkward silence. "Okaaay, I'll be there." Can't blame her, I've been a dick to her.

About fifteen minutes later, she was here. She looked around, stopped for a moment, then turned to look at me and put her hands onher waist, "I hope Amanda's ok?" I frowned, "I don't know." I shoved her the magazine, "You tell me." She looked at it and her eyes grew wide, "OMG she's so lucky!" She squealed. I stood up, "What? How can you say that, I'm her fucking fiance for goodness sake! What is wrong with you?" She rose an eyebrow, "I thought you guys broke up after the wedding." I rose an eyebrow, "What?" She leaned on the chair, "I thought that's why you went to London." I ruffled my hair, "Amy, I fucking love her, how do you think this makes me feel." Her mood expression changed. "Oh, I didn't know you liked her that much." I sighed and sat down, "Now, you know." She looked at my fingers "Why are your fingers red?" "I was playing my guitar." She rose her eyebrow. "I wanted to hurt myself, happy?" She gasped, "Why would you want to do that?" "Because she hurt me and I just wanted to forget it for a bit." She sighed and searched for something in her bag and brought out her phone, "Do you want to talk to her?" I shook my head, "I can't, I'll either break down or scream at her and I don't want to do any of those."


I didn't know he loved her this much. "Eric, just rest because you look exhausted and worn out, I'll handle the rest." I stood up to leave. "Thanks, Amy." I smiled. "Don't mention it." I was on my way back home when I ran into Edward, "Hey." He smiled, "Hey, Amy right?" "Yeah." "So how've you been doing?" I brushed my hair out of my face, "Well, pretty cool." "So how's......Amanda doing?" He said her name in a very low tone, I knew he said her name because he was obviously going to bring her up at some point. "Uh, she's in London." "With Eric?" He said his name with disgust. "Uh, no he's actually here, they seem to be having problems." I shouldn't have said that. "Are they still married?" "She ditched." Seriously Amy, shut the hell up!" "Really? Wow, I can't believe it." I have to start going before I say something I'll regret because it's bound ot happen. "Me too, anyway it was nice talking to you, I was actually going to call her now, need to help sort out their problems." Wow, I've done it again. He frowned. "Why?" I frowned, "What do you mean 'Why', they are going to break up if I don't do something about it." "So?" I smiled, getting the point, "Ok, I see where this is going, you're so selfish, you just want her to yourself." His facial expression changed, "Look, Amy, I liked her the moment I saw her, she didn't tell me she was getting married, I found out in a painful way and I still love her, why do you think I didn't go for the wedding, if I went I would have made it clear that I still loved her, but I didn't want her to get angry at me. And now they have problems and you want me to be sad about that?" Wow, that's a lot of emotion pouring out here. "Look, Edward, I know how you feel bu-" He cut me off "No, you don't!" And he walked off.

I shrugged and made my way to my house. When I got home, I went up to my room and dialled Amanda's number.


Why did I have to go on that stupid date? But my thoughts didn't go too far when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it so fast and saw Amy's caller ID "Amy?" "Amanda Eleanor Waldorf." Wow, she sounded exactly like my mum meaning I was in a sort of trouble. "Yes, Amy?" "How could you do that to Eric?" I sat up, "What? How did you know?" "He's here, he told me." WHAT? "You mean, Eric's in California." "Yes!" I breathed a sigh of relief. "Is he that mad?" "Well, he hurt his fingers intentionally because of you." "I didn't mean to, it was an honest mistake." "But I must say, you and Taylor look cute together." Knowing who Amy was, this was bound to come out of her mouth. "Amy, this is no time for that." "Look, Mandy, do what you gotta do but have in mind that he really loves you and is really hurting and I just ran into Edward who C-R-A-Z-Y." "What are you talking about?" "He was practically yelling how you never told him you were getting married and how if he came for the wedding, he would hace proclaimed his love for you and he seemed happy that you and Eric are having problems." I didn't have time to think about that, "O.K., that's weird, but Amy I don't know what I want, you know what i'm coming back today." "Today? It's 9pm." I sighed, "Well, here it's 4am here." "Can you pick me up and don't tell Eric i'm coming." "Sure and can you bring Robert P with you?" I grunted, "No!" "Why?" "Cuz I said so, now go to sleep." The line went dead and I slept off.

I woke up by 10Am and went to the airport. "I need a ticket for the next plane to California." "First class?" "Yes, please." I got my ticket and entered the plane thinking of my life. I felt bad for not telling Taylor but he will soon forget about me plus he dosen't even know where I stay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok guys, sorry for the late update, I was so busy being distracted by some amazing stories on MIbba. These are the culprits:
I'm A Fool For Falling Over You
Don't Make This Easy
Bad Romance
Amazing....and yeah, could you please check this out, HERE, I need to know how it is, so I'll know if I should scrap it and do something better or maybe start a co-write.