Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage



I arrived at LAX, I called Amy and told her not to worry about coming, it was quite late so I decided to go home. When I got home, my mum practically flew into my arms but my dad was angry which was very typical of him. I walked up to him, "Hey dad, you don't look to happy to see me." He folded his hands and glared at me, "And what is there to be happy about, you didn't attend your wedding, you left the continent without informing anyone." He was kind of raising his voice now. "Ok, I'm sorry it's just that there was a lot of pressure on me, I mean which girl around my age in their right mind would be thrilled about marrying someone they didn't know." His mood still didn't change. "That's no reason, where's Eric?" Of all questions to ask me. "In his house", I said like everything was okay.

It was my mum's turn to speak, "Why don't you go there, I hope nothing bad is going on Amanda?" I sighed, "Why do you want me to go there, I just got here?" "He's your husband, that's why." My mum said as a matter of factly. I was so angry, I decided to go to Amy's house. My mum called me back. "And better not go to Amy's place." I didn't say anything.

I got to Eric's house and stood in front of the door for about twenty minutes, thinking of what to say. Tough, huh? I finally got the courage, opened the door, and went upstairs to 'our' room and I saw him lying on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Hey, Eric." He looked at me like I was something disgusting. "What the hell are you doing here." He got up from the bed and started making his way towards me. Now, I was thinking of which way to run. I knew I should have gone to Amy's place. "Eric, I can explain." He scoffed, "Of course you can, you lied to me again and went off on a date." I put my hands up in defense, "It was an honest date, I swear." He held my neck, but not tightly "I don't want to see you in this house again because the next time I see your sorry ass here, I promise you death and I mean it, you're just a f***ing whore." My eyes widened, and I forced myself out of his grasp, "I'm a whore? When you flirt with other girls, I don't say anything." Now I was so angry. He was still glaring at me, "Flirt, not screw them." I laughed, "So you're saying that I've screwed all the boys I've talked to?" He nodded, "Yes!" Tears were on the verge of pouring down my face but I wasn't going to cry in front of him. No. I left the house and went to Amy's house.


As soon as she left, I felt a pain I'd never felt before and that's because I love her so much, and I just hurt her, the only reason I told her to get out was so that she could beg me which I'm hoping she would. Very soon. My phone rang and it was one of my best friends, Blake.
"Whats up, Blake!" "I'm cool bro, haven't heard from you in a while, heard you went to London." I sighed, "Yup" "Dude, what's up, you sound down." "Nothing." He sighed, "Look, you can tell me, is it Amanda?" "Yes, I just threw her out of the house." He didn't say anything for a while, "Why on earth did you do that?", "I don't know, I thought she would beg me and come back to me." "You have a problem." "I don't have a f***ing problem!" "Whatever, there's this party I'm going to, wanna come?" "Not really in the mood." He snickered, "There's going to be a lot of HOT chicks there." Can you believe this guy? "Are you crazy, I'm in a situation and you're talking about girls?" "Are you in or not?" What the heck, "Fine!" "I'll be there in five." The line went dead. I sighed and got ready for the party. Blake came over and we went to the party.


"You mean he had the nerves to throw you out of the house." Amy was angrier than me. "You know, I don't blame him but he had no right to call me a whore." Amy held my shoulders, "Mandy, forget him and let's go for a party." I gave her a weak smile, "Cool, I could really use one to cool me off."

We got to the party and the music was so loud, I couldn't even hear myself when I was talking to Amy. I went to the bar to get a drink when I heard my name. "Amanda?" I turned around and saw Edward. Great. "Hey you, how are you?" I had to shout over the loud music, "You know very well how I am." I hope this wasn't what Amy was talking about. "What are you talking about?" He gulped down the remaining amount of vodka in his glass, "You left me for Eric and I loved you with all my life, I still do." I'm taking that he is drunk. I didn't have time to reply because someone pushed me and I turned and it was two people making out like there was no tomorrow. I was about to turn back but I noticed that the guy making out with the girl was Eric. I just stood there, part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to laugh. Actually, most of me wante to cry, so I just cleared my throat. Then he looked at me and pushed the girl off him. "What are you doing here?" Can you imagine this, I was fed up. "You know what Eric, f*** you!" And I slapped him which caught everyone's attention and walked out of the party.
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Wow, sorry for the late update. So how is the story so far?
EVERYONE, ok now that I have your attention, I want you to tell me what you love about this story the most, please, I need to know. :D.
And yeah, 6 comments before I update. Pweety pwease... :}