Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage



Eric didn’t even flinch. So now all eyes were on me.

“You can’t tell me who to marry and who not to marry”

My dad now gave me his angry look, well, I didn’t care this time around. Who the hell do they think they are?

“And don’t you think I have a boyfriend, huh?”

Then Eric laughed, I looked at him wondering what was so funny.

“You have a boyfriend, he must love you so much to put up with your bullshit all the time.”

Ok, now I'm pissed off.

“Excuse me, you don’t even know me and don’t ever talk to me like that again.”

And with that I stormed upstairs with tears pouring down my eyes not only because I have to marry a total stranger, also what he said got to me because I didn’t have a boyfriend because none of them were never good enough me…but I decided to get one to get back at him. Who does he think he is?

My mum came to my room “Why did you make such an exit?”

She still has the heart to ask me this after all that has happened…SHOCKERS!!

“Why do I have to marry him?”

“We made a deal with them a long time ago that you’ll marry their son and that is why we are where we are today.”

I didn’t bother myself to argue because I knew it would be pointless, so I just went to my friend’s house, her name’s Amy, so I told her everything that happened and yep she had the same reaction I had when I heard the “good news”.

I went back home at midnight hoping I would meet no one at home. I opened the door quietly and tip-toed to my room and slept off. What a 'happy' day it was.

I woke up to see a pair of icy blue eyes looking at me I almost had a heart attack. It was Eric. Argh...

“What the fuck do you want and what makes you think you can come into my room anytime you like”

“You’re my fiancé so yeah that’s what makes me think I can come into your room anytime I like.”

I almost punched his face but it was too early to make a scene

“Look, I have a boyfriend and we’re deeply in love and I’m not about to break that because of some arranged marriage and if you don’t mind I’m late for school” That oughta do it..

He somewhat looked mad “Well today you’re moving into my house and changing schools so if you don’t mind start packing your stuff.”

“WHAT! Moving where, changing what, you know you people are crazy if you think you can ruin my life.”

I stood up, had a shower , changed and went to school. My friend Brian who has had a crush on me like forever showed up according to plan to pick me up as my pretend boyfriend. I felt so bad for using me but anything to get this prick off my back.

“And where do you think you’re going young lady” I turned to see my dad. Ugh. What now?

“Well, I’m going to school”

“Didn’t Eric tell you, you’re moving to his house today.”

Eric came down and saw Brian outside in his car waiting for me

“Who the fuck is that outside?” Language! And I have to marry this douche.

“My boyfriend, Brian.” I smiled triumphantly.

He stormed outside and I ran after him dreading for Brian’s life.

“Who are you?” Brian asked

“Well I’m Amanda’s fiancé and you are…”

“I’m her boyfriend.”

Eric laughed, I wonder why he laughs so much.

“She’s moving into my house today, so you better run along or you’ll be late for school.”

Eric grabbed my hand and pushed me into the house.

“We haven’t even spent a day in this relationship and you are cheating on me…that must be a world record”

Hours Later

My mum packed my stuff for me and we were off. We entered this black limo with some gold designs, well I must say it was beautiful, I didn’t say a word throughout the whole ride.

Eric’s POV

I can’t believe she let that boy show up at her house while I was there it’s not that I like her or anything, I just didn’t want him around her.
♠ ♠ ♠
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