Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

If I can't have you...


I got to the party and yeah, there were hot chicks but that was the least of my concerns at the moment. "Dude here, take a drink." Blake handed me a drink, I took it and more till I was not myself (thanks to Amanda). There was a girl standing beside me, her dress revealed almost everything, she was asking for it. I grabbed her and started making out with her, she got into it and before we knew it, we were moving everywhere while kissing till someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see the person, it was her. I almost died, what the hell was she doing here? "What are you doing here?" She looked like she was going to murder someone. "You know what Eric, f*** you!" Then I felt pain on my cheek and she walked out which made me chase after her. SHIT!


What was I thinking? Thinking I could like him, he just made things complicated now. I felt someone grab my hand. "Why are you here?" How the hell can he ask me that after what just happened? I swear if he doesen't let go of my hand this instant, there is going to be a lot of blood shed here. "Eric, let go of my hand." He shook his head, "Not until you answer me." I pulled my hand away from his grasp, "I don't have to answer you because right now we are through." He rose his eyebrows, "Says who?" I showed him the 'engagement ring' on my finger and he tried to grab my hand. "You see this?" I pulled my hand away from him and pulled the ring off my hand. He glared at me. "If I were you baby, I wouldn't do anything stupid." I threw the ring down the sewer. "Where that ring is, is where are relationship is, down the f***ing drain." I turned to leave, he grabbed me and slapped me hard across the face. "This marriage is not over until I say it is which will never happen." I started bleeding from my cheeks and it hurt so bad which made me start to cry, right now I just didn't care anymore.


When she threw the ring away, it hurt so bad that I didn't know when I slapped her and she started crying. I felt like killing myself. I tried to hug her. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." She pushed me away, "I never want to see you in my life, I f***ing hate you." And she ran away from me. I stood there for minutes, then got into my car and drove to my house. I just lost the one person that was keeping me alive.

I got home, took out a knife, and slit a thin line across my neck, I was ready to die that was until my phone rang. It was Blake, I sighed and picked up the phone, "What," "Dude, you left without telling me?" I didn't say anything, just let the silence take its place, "Look, I saw what happened and I'm coming over before you do something stupid." I just disconnected the line out of frustration. What the hell has come over me. Shit, my neck was bleeding and Blake's coming. I heard the front door open, "Dude, are you okay?" I slowly looked up at him, "Do I f***ing look okay to you?" I swear, sometimes..."Look, call her and tell her you were drunk, I'm sure she'll understand." I let out a loud groan, "I f***ing hit her, Blake." His eyes grew wide, "What, why on earth did you hit her, what the hell is wrong with you?" I put my face in my hands, "When she threw her engagement ring, I just lost it." He was coming close to me, "What's that on your neck?" I covered it with my hands, "Oh, um, it happened a long time ago." He looked at me, I knew it was a waste of time trying to convince Blake, "Really?" I nodded, "Yeah!" He bent down to take a good look at it, "So, how come it's bleeding, if it happened a long time ago." I shrugged, "How the hell should I know?" He looked at me for a while then his eyes grew wide, "Dude, did you try to..." I finished it up for him, "To what, kill myself, of course I tried to kill myself, what will you do if the only thing you've ever cherished and loved left you?" He was about to reply when my phone rang, "Mum?" Why was she calling? "Can you please come over now, your dad and I want to speak with you." "Why?" She sighed, "Please don't argue, just come over." "I'm on my way." The line disconnected and I looked up at Blake who was still glaring at me, "Blake, my parents want to see me, so I have to go." He came up to me and put a hand on my shoulders, "Hey, I'm concerned about you." I shrugged his hand of my shoulder, "Don't be." and walked out.

I drove off to my parent's place. I walked in to see my parents, Amanda's parents and Amanda and I just stood there. Speechless. "Son, sit down." I sat down. My dad looked at me so was everyone else except Amanda, she was looking the other way. "What happened this night?" I stared at the ground, "I went for a party, I got drunk and made out with a girl." My dad was still looking at me with no expression on his face. "Is that all?" I shook my head, "She saw me, and broke up with me which made me lose my mind and hit her and I'm really sorry." I said facing Amanda. My dad looked at Amanda. "Did you hear what he said, is that true?" She looked up avoiding eye contact, "Yeah, I heard him but I'm not accepting his stupid apology, all I know is that this marriage is over." She was serious? My mum looked at me with concern in her eyes. "Honey, your neck is bleeding." Now, all eyes were on me. She came closer, "It looks like a blade cut," "I got caught by the door." She seemed to believe me. "You need to see a doctor." Amanda got up. "Can I go now?" I quickly got up. "Where?" She glared at me, "Home, where else." I grabbed her hand. "Sure, let's go." She pulled her hand away, "What do you mean 'let's go', I meant, my house where I was born and raised in, which dosen't include you." She started to walk away, I grabbed her arm and forced her into a hug. "I'm f***ing sorry, I'll do anything just name it." She smiled and looked at me. "Yes, there's something you can do for me, leave me the hell alone!" And she walked away from my life. Her parents stood up and followed her out. I turned to my dad for help, "Dad, you can't let this happen, I'm in love with her." He stood up, "I'm sorry son, there's nothing we can do, this time there's no one to clean up your mess."

I swear, I'm going to end my life if I can't have her. And I'm dead serious.
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Ok, guys how was it?
I got reported for grammar and spelling, I admit I have to work on it but c'mon...
Anyways, loved the comments. How about 8 more...huh...:D