Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

Fight For Your Love


"What is your problem, I've apologized, what else do you want me to do?" I asked Edward who was starting to piss me off. "Look, let's just practice our roles, you may want to fail but I don't." I'm tired of this guy. "You know what, I'm done. First Eric now you, I've had enough.Good luck finding another partner." I folded my arms hoping he would apologize, I was in no mood to fight. "I really couldn't care less, I'll just learn my part and you can go to hell." What the hell did I do that could piss him off so bad. Yes, I know I shouldn't have treated him the way I did earlier on but I apologized. "Edward, I get the fact that you hate me, pls let's not let it get in the way of our rehearsals." I also don't want to fail. He took out the script and we started rehearsing and he didn't even apologize. When we were done, I took my things and started to leave although I still hoped he would apologize, he still didn't say anything. What the hell did I do that got him to start acting like this?

I got to Amy's house, "Amy, today's the worst day ever." I sighed as I threw myself on her bed. "What happened?" I told her everything. "What a dick!" I nodded, "Anyway, let's forget this and go out, I'm kinda bored." She smiled. "Where do you want to go to?" I shrugged, "I don't know, you pick!" My phone rang and it was my dad. I sighed, what could he want now? "Hey dad," I said in a very bored tone. "I need you to come over right now." I scoffed, "What, I'm going somewhere with Amy." "Don't argue with me please just come home, we need to discuss something." I sighed, "Is Eric there?" The line went dead. I let out a loud groan and lay back on the bed. After my ranting, I turned to Amy who had a look of concern on her face. "I gotta go, hope you're not angry." She smiled, "No, I totally understand, just hope everything is ok." I stood up and let myself out.

I got home and went straight to my 'daddy', "What is it you want to tell me that can't wait." My dad looked at me with a straight face. "You'll be getting married to Eric on Saturday." I stepped back to get a good look of him, "I'm sorry, I thought I heard you say I would be getting married to Eric on Saturday!" He nodded, "You heard right!" I put my hands on my head, "Dad are you kidding me, how the hell can you tell me to marry that jerk after everything." I turned to look at my mum who just stepped in, "Mum, you're not even going to say anything?" I was hoping she would but she didn't. I ran up to my room crying, there's no way in hell that's going to happen, this time around i'm leaving and never coming back. I packed my things and headed for the airport, I escaped through the window and got a cab.

I got to the airport in about twenty minutes because I promised to tip him if he went faster, "Can I get a ticket to Japan now please." I couldn't think of anywhere farther. She looked at me for a long time till I rose my eyebrows, "What's your name," "Amanda Warldoff." She went somewhere and came back expecting her to give my ticket. "I'm sorry you're not allowed to leave from this airport." My eyes grew wide, what the hell? "What the hell are you talking about." I was getting confused. "Amanda, get your ass back home." Shit. I turned around and saw my dad. WTF! "You guys are now watching my every move, is that what this is?" He ignored me, "Get into the car, now!" I didn't make an effort to move, "Make me." He signalled two big guys in and they carried me to the car. I screamed my lungs out and this caught everyone's attention.

When we got home, my dad yelled at me for God knows how long. He finally stopped. "Are you done dad?" He glared at me, "Look, I don't know what has gotten into you but that I will not condone that attitude." I knew exactly what to do. I got into my car and drove to Eric's house. I barged in and went upstairs to look for the son of a gun, I found him in the room talking to someone on the phone, when he saw me, he immediately told the person that he'd call back. He came towards me, "Hey baby, I've missed you." He tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "Eric, I came here to tell you that whatever you've got planned is not going to work, now I'm hearing shit like I'm getting married to you on Saturday, now get this into your thick skull," I stepped closer, "if you think I'm going to get married to you, think again." He held me so that I couldn't pull away. "Even if it means me killing myself." Now I had the strength to pull away and look at him in the eyes. "That's your life, not mine." I turned to leave. "Don't f***ing walk out on me." He held me back, "and who are you not to walk out on?" He held me tighter, "I'm your husband and you're my wife, my beloved, my whole life." Ok, that caught me off guard. "Well, I hate you. Now let me go." "Look at this." I turned to look at him and I saw on his chest he had my name tattooed there. My eyes grew wide. "Why the hell did you do that?" He stepped closer, "Because I love you." It was time for me to leave. "Goodbye Eric." I practically ran towards my car and drove off. What was that?

I got home tired and sleepy, I showered and changed into my PJs and got into bed and drifted off. ~~~~I felt someone on my lips, kissing me and touching every part of my body. I opened my eyes and saw Eric. I shot up, "What the hell are you doing?" He smirked, "What does it look like?" He did something, unhuman, disgusting and unbelievable. He slit his wrists and when it started bleeding, he shoved it into my mouth and did the the same thing to me and shoved my wrists into his mouth. I was too shocked to speak. "Now, we'll be together forever."~~~~ I practically jumped from my bed, it was just a dream. I was sweating like mad, I looked around everywhere seemed to be normal, no signs of anyone being here. But there was something strange, I actually had a scar on my hand.
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How was it? Kinda lame? You tell me.
How about 10 comments before I update. eh..:D
Later guys...