Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

You're Mine


I was scared when I saw the scar on my hand, it was just weird. I had a bath and went down for breakfast and headed for school, wow, this week was FAST. I went over to my locker, grabbed my books and was about to head to my History class when I bumped into Amy. "Hey Mandy, so everything cool?" I sighed, "No, they still want me to marry the jerk, can you believe it?" She stopped me from entering the class. "Look, i know that what i'm about to say may freak you out but I have to say it." I glared at her, "If it has anything to do with Robert P-" she hushed me with a hand signal, "No, it's not, have you ever just wondered that maybe Eric may actually really like you, I mean maybe he just dosen't know how to deal with his feelings, have you ever considered that." I just looked at her like she was crazy. "Um, well I have to get to class, so I'll see you during lunch." "I know you're probably thinking I'm crazy or something," I nodded, "but I mean it and I can't change how you feel. I'm just saying my mind, anyway see you during lunch." She left and I entered my history class which I hated the most. I took my seat and weirdly Eric was not in class today. The class went on and on, then the bell rang, I practically jumped from my seat and headed off to spanish class.

"Bienvenidos todos al espaƱol de clase."That means 'welcome everyone to spanish class.' I was quite excited in learning spanish, I don't know why though. Anyway class was over and during lunch, Amy kept telling me to rethink. That girl's gone wacko. When school was over we went shopping. "So Amanda, who's the guy you're crushing on now." I smiled, "Adam Brody!" She frowned, "No seriously, you know what I mean." Why is she so bent on getting me to like Eric? I bet he threatened her. "Well no one, I'm just sick of boys at this moment." Before I knew it, someone carried me and blind-folded me and you can't tell me no one saw. I tried screaming but I was shoved into a car still blindfolded and someone put a tape round my mouth. What the hell is going on?

The car finally came to a stop, we passed through doors until we finally stopped and my blind-fold was removed. I looked around, the place was so lovely, it was a breath-taking dinner setting and the dim lights and all but everything came to an end when I saw Eric standing right in front of me. He told the men to leave and they locked the door. Just great. "Are you out of your f***ing mind, why did you kidnap me?" I was so furious. He smiled that stupid smile of his and hugged me. "I've missed you so much and I didn't kidnap you, I just ordered them to get my wife for me and to make sure she dosen't run, that's all." He said as a matter of factly. I badly wanted to slap him but I couldn't waste such strength on him. "Eric, what is this?" I pointed at the dinner table. He came closer and held my waist. "It's dinner just for the two of us." I pushed him away. "Eric, I don't want to have dinner with you neither do I want to have anything to do with you at all, so please leave me the hell alone." He came closer to me and I could swear I saw tears in his eyes. "Stop saying that, you don't know how that hurts me, I love you and I'm sorry for everything I did to you." I scoffed, "Eric, you don't know what love is and I don't love you." I said unsure of myself but made it a fact towards Eric. "Don't say that, after dinner we'll go back home, okay?" Why can't he just get it, this guy is freaking me out. "Eric, I really need to go now." He held me tighter, really tight. "You're not going anywhere." I couldn't even run if I wanted to because the stupid door was locked. Ugh. I had to think of a lie and fast. "Can I go home and pack my things then?" His mood brightened. "I'll help you." I shook my head, "No, I want to pack myself." He looked at me, "Why should I trust you?" "Why shouldn't you?"

Eric drove me home while I was planning the great escape. "I'll be waiting." He leaned in and kissed me. I ran up to my and called Amy. "Where the hell are you, Amanda?" "Amy, I'm trying to escape, don't ask any questions. I'm coming over right now, okay?" "Sure, okay." I packed some things, opened the window and checked if the coast was clear. It was, I climbed down and landed smoothly, I stood up and turned around and saw Eric. Woah. He looked angry. "You told me I could trust you, I knew you would do this." I stomped my foot, "Eric, just leave me alone, I don't want to marry you, why can't you get that into you freaking thick head." He forced me into the car and when we got to his house, he carried me although it wasn't easy. I kept on struggling and shouting, then he threw me on the bed. "What the f*** is wrong with you, Amanda, I've apologized what else do you possibly want me to do?" I sighed heavily, "You know what, I give up!" He turned to look at me, "What do you mean?" I stood up, "I'll marry you because I'm f***ing tired of all this, you want to ruin my life? Fine! But get this clear, never in my life will I love you and I will never have your children." "Stop saying that!" He looked really mad but not as mad as I was. "Or what, you'll hit me?" He just walked out of the room while I threw myself on the bed and cried.


"Stop saying that!" I can't bear the pain of her saying that, it hurts so bad. "Or what, you'll hit me?" I couldn't take this anymore, I just walked out. I just had to prove to her that I love her and I'm willing to do anything. I went into the room to talk to her and saw her crying. I went over to her, "Baby, why are you crying?" She didn't answer. "Baby?" She looked up at me and with teary eyes. "I hate you." And she turned to the other side. "Please, stop saying that, I promise you that I'll never hurt you in any way. I'm very sorry."


I turned around and Eric put his arms around me. "I love you but I'm never letting you go even if it's for your sake." Someone just kill me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Someone's a little bit obsessed...
How was it? Freaky, right.
Anyways love the comments, just so you know, it's your comments that make write everyday with a smile on my face. *wipes tears from eyes*
Sooooooooooooooooooooo RATE~COMMENT~SUSCRIBE....AND keeP ReADiNg!!!