Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage




I heard him in the other room talking on the phone. "I'll be right there." He was going somewhere without telling me. I decided I was going to be niceto Eric if he gave me my space. "Eric!" I said in my sweetest voice, he turned and looked at me, "What," what the hell was that attitude for? "Where are you going to?" I said still smiling, I tried to act like I cared "Out!" I nodded, "Yeah, I know you're going out but to where?" He came close to me, "None of your business." Well, I would like to know what would have happened if the roles were reversed. "Fine, but don't expect me to answer you when you ask me." I folded my arms. "Whatever, I think you should head to your mom's place and get ready for the wedding and this time around if you run away, I won't even bother looking for you." And he walked out of the room. I just stared at the closed door for minutes, why the hell is he giving me such attitude, I might as well just ditch the stupid wedding again. Maybe he's seeing someone, that's why he's acting like this. I wonder who the slut is this time. I'm not jealous just angry that he can do all this and I can't. My phone rang and as expected it was my mum. "Yes mum," I sighed still angry, "Where are you." "In Eric's house." "You need to be here now." I sighed and tried to lean back but I ended up falling, "Fine! I'm on my way." I made my way over to her house still thinking about Eric.


I walked into the office. "Hello Mr. Crawford, how are we doing today?" "Fine, I guess." Mrs. Allan was my psychologist, I started meeting up with her when I had problems with Amanda, "So, did you do what I said you should?" I sighed, "Yeah, she wanted to know where I was going though I felt really bad when I didn't tell her where I was going." She smiled. "I know, but if you keep showing like you don't care, she might want to know why and suddenly realise her feelings for you and your wedding's today, right?" "Yeah, I doubt she's going to show up." I had a bad feeling about today. "Trust me, she'll show up." I smiled and stood up to leave. I drove back home and she wasn't there, I almost went mad because I thought she left but then I saw her things, I calmed down, she must be at her mom's.


"Mum, Eric's cheating on me!" I just had to get this off my chest. She sighed. "You are not getting out of this wedding, if that's what you're trying to do." I glared at her, "Why the hell do you care about this stupid wedding so much, I'm your freaking daughter incase you've forgotten." She sighed and held my hand "Honey, I love you more than anything, it's just that you wouldn't understand the purpose of this wedding, need I remind you, they helped us in the past." I just wanted to know what was going on so I decided to call Eric, "What do you want?" My eyes grew wide, "what the hell is your problem, why are you acting like a dick?" "I don't see how I'm acting like one." I was so mad now, "Ugh, you're unbelievable." I disconnected the call. Today is going to be the worst day of my life.
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Ok, well your comments this time are going to help me update the next chapter. You tell me if she should attend the wedding or not.
So I need like 10 comments or more.... :DDD