Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage



I wondered where we were going for our honeymoon, I cannot still believe I'm 16 and married. We got to Eric's house finally, "So, Eric where did you go to yesterday?" I just had to get this out of my chest. "Um, I went to see Blake." Why the hell was he lying, I know he didn't go to see Blake because he wouldn't be fidgeting like he was doing right now. "You're a bloody liar." He looked at me. "I can't tell you where I went to." Oh, so he can keep secrets from me. I just ignored him and went upstairs although he was calling my name. The funny thing is that we were having a wedding party right now, so I guess they were waiting for us. I went back downstairs and saw Eric. "We should probably get going." He held my shoulders. "Are you angry with me," I shrugged his hand of me. "I could care less, if you're f***ing some poor slut, let's just go." He sighed, "Why the hell do you always pick a fight, at least let's try not to fight today, can you do that?" I ignored, we got into the limo and the ride was silent cuz we didn't speak to each other, so we went for the party and had our first dance and the other things they do at wedding parties. I was just so angry at Eric, he seemed to happy and smiled at everyone who came. I saw him hug a girl, I was sure she was the skank but I didn't say anything I was sure going to get him back. Eric tapped my shoulder and I turned at glared at him. "What?" He looked taken aback. "What is wrong with you, I'm trying to make you happy, but you're just making it so damn impossible."

After the party, we headed back home. "Baby, we're going to Rome tomorrow for our honeymoon!" Did he expect me to jump on him or what? "Ok and by the way, Fall Out Boy is having a concert this night, so I'm going but I'll be sure to come back before we leave." He glared at me. "You are kidding, right?" I rose an eyebrow, "Why would I be?" He glared, "This is our wedding night, and you're going to see a band, are you out of your mind?" I stepped into my closet and searched for what to wear, I wore a black shirt that had a fall out boy logo in front and a black skinny jeans, I turned around and saw Eric looking at me. "What?" "You are serious?" I rolled my eyes, "No. Eric I'm joking of course I'm serious, you think I'll just stay here and let you have sex with me, not in a million years." He smiled at me "Is this what all this is about?" I looked at him, "What are you talking about?" He smiled, "This is your first time, isn't it and you're scared." My mouth fell open, "I'm not a virgin for your information." He laughed. "Really, who did you loose you virginity to?" "None of your business." I walked past him but he grabbed me and pushed me on the bed so that he was on top of me." "If you're not a virgin, then show me what you've got." "Eric, get the hell off me." I tried to push him off me but he didn't move. "I went to see my psychologist yesterday, are you happy now?" What did he just say? He got off me. "What?" "You heard me." "Why do you have one?" "I really don't want to talk about it." Now I was concerned which was so unlike me, I held his hands. "Please, tell me." He sighed, "When I hit you at that party, I couldn't take it anymore so I went to see a psychologist." I looked at him with. "Eric, you didn't have to do that." He now looked into my eyes. "I love you so much and I'm willing to do anything to prove it to you." I was speechless, he really did love me. I just hugged him, I couldn't say those three words because i wasn't sure of myself. He smiled and looked at me. "Promise me, we wouldn't get in a fight again." I laughed "Can't promise you that but I'll try my best." He kissed me and before I knew it, it turned into a make-out session and my top was off, he started kissing my neck and I pulled his shirt off. The kiss became rough but sweet and passionate. I moaned and he smiled while kissing me "You have no idea how much I love you." Then he took my trousers off and I noticed his was off also. I felt his manhood and I blushed, we were both naked suddenly, when I felt it go inside me and a tear escaped my eyes, he kissed it and smiled at me. "I'm your first." I blushed at that and moaned while he went back and forth, it was a very passionate moment for me.

I woke up to a kiss and saw Eric. "We're going to Rome, so go get ready." I got into the bath and remembered the events of yesterday, I shuddered at the thought but smiled. So I got dressed and packed some stuff for the trip. This trip might end up not being bad. So I thought.
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Ok, that has got to be the worst sex scene ever. I didn't write well I know. But hope you like the chapter nonetheless. Trip to Rome, this has got to be fun or not. Muhahahahah...Ok, bad attempt of evil laugh.
Comments make me happy. You know a wise man once said, 'a comment a day keeps the doctor away' Ok, I'm the wise guy.