Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

Jealous Much?


We got to the airport and I sat down and waited while Eric went to talk to make arrangements for the private plane. I got out a magazine and started reading when I heard my name, I looked up and it was Edward and Charlotte. For a second I felt a pang of jealousy which was weird. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Although, it hurt me seeing them together, i just had to put a smile on my face. "We're going to Australia for a vacation." They looked really happy. "Oh!" That oh didn't come out the way, I expected it to, it cameo out as a disappionted one and he gave me a questioning look. "So what are you doing here?" "I'm going to Rome." Charlotte squealed. "Wow, that's nice, are you going there alone because Rome is like a couple thing especially if you're married." Wow, she's a keeper, I didn't want edward to know I was going for my honeymoon although he came for my wedding. I just didn't want him knowing stuff like that.

"Um, I'm going with a group of my friends." Edward was still giving me a questioning look, "I thought you were going to Eric?" He obviously knew I was lying then I saw Eric approahing, this should be fun. Charlotte asked Eric "So where are the others?" Eric looked confused. "What do you mean?" I glared at her but she kept on talking "Amanda said there were others going to Rome with you guys." He looked at me and I turned my face the other direction. He looked at them. "I think she meant me but it was nice to meet you guys, we have to get going." He pulled me up and dragged me to the plane but before we got in, he pulled me so I could face him, "What the hell was that, are you ashamed of me or what?" I ignored him and got into the plane but I knew it wasn't going to end there, "Eric can we just forget this, please." He looked at me. "Are you still in love with Edward." Even if I loved Edward, I wasn't going to tell him that. At least I don't think I still love him. "I really don't want to talk about this now." He looked really mad. "Fine!" He stood up and changed seats. I couldn't be bothered right now, I was having a very big headache. I took a drink and slept off till we landed, I would have been left in the plane if the stewardess hadn't woken me up, so much for having a husband, he just gets angry at the most stupid things.

I tapped him on the shoulder "Why did you leave me in the plane." He turned and looked at me. "I didn't see any reason in waking you up." I sighed lifting my hands up in frustration, "You have different personalities and I'm tired of your mood swings."

We reached a villa we were supposed to be spending our "honeymoon" in, it was so beautiful. I stepped into the house and the sight was breathtaking.LIVING ROOM My headache got the best of me and I had to lay down on he nearest couch, Eric came in and sat on the couch opposite and glared at me. "What's wrong with you?" He didn't even say that with any emotion at all. "I have a headache." He stood up left and came back into the room and threw some tablets at me. "That should subside the pain." "Thanks."


I was really angry at her, I didn't want to release my anger on her because we both know where that'll end. She was still in love with Edward, I could tell. Why does she always ddo these things to me, I can't take all the pain. We started off from the right foot and I just had to ruin everything because I was jealous, sometimes I really hate myself.

I just hopes she feels better soon, then we can talk this out and I know if I bring up the talk of children, she'll flip, not that I want them now, just the talk about having kids will kill her or even freak her out. I went into the room and she was sleeping, so I removed her shoes and put her under the duvet, and kissed her forehead. "I love you." I got in beside her and held her till I slept.


I woke up next to Eric, I removed his hands from my waist so I could get up. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and then a realization hit me. My name's Mrs. Amanda Crawford. OMG, I'm a married woman at the age of seventeen, well i'll be seventeen tomorrow. Come to think of it, isn't this illegal? I turned around and almoust screamed when I saw Eric because I didn't hear him come in. He kissed me. Ugh, his mood swings are starting to get annoying. "Hi, Eric." He smiled at me but his smile didn't last long. "Where's your wedding ring?" I looked at my finger and I remembered I dropped it in my bag when I saw some cute boys passing yesterday at the airport. "It's in my bag." He was still looking at me...intensely. "Why aren't you wearing it?" Well, I just didn't have an answer for that. "I was angry at you yesterday, so I removed it." Looks like he fell for it, "I'm sorry, I was jealous and I won't allow that to come between us again." That's what he always says and he just goes and does the opposite. "So I planned a dinner today at a restaurant." I tried to give him a smile, "That's lovely."

Someone rang the door bell. "I'll get it," wondering who it could be, better not be my parents. I opened the door and saw the most beautiful guy ever. No really. Darius "Hi, is Eric here?" he had a lovely smile. "You are?" "Oh, sorry, my name's Darius." I smiled, "Cool, come in, I'll go get him." I turned, "You're Amanda right, Eric's wife?" He knows? "I'll go get him." I said that through gritted teeth. I went upstairs. "Eric, Darius is here to see you and if I may ask, who is he?" He was drying his hair with a towel, he looked cute doing that but I was never going to let him know that, "Oh, he's the guy that's helping me plan the honeymoon thing since I don't know Rome that much." I nodded, "Right." We both went downstairs and sat on a couch and talked to Darius, why the hell am I married? I kept looking at him. I didn't hear when I was asked a question, I suddenly came back to earth when hands were waving in front of me. "Yeah, what!" I'm sure Eric noticed because he tensed up a bit and Darius was smiling. Talk about embarrassment. "What colour do you prefer, pink or white." Darius asked me while still smiling. "Oh, anyone you think is perfect." I didn't know how that sounded until seconds later. So when he left, Eric turned to me. I was kinda expecting that to happen "Can you stop flirting with every guy you see, it's getting out of hand and really frustrating." He was really angry. "Look Eric, I'm still a teenager and married, what the hell do you expect me to do? What, when I see a guy I shouldn't stare because I'm married," putting air quotes when I said married, "I'm a teenage girl, it's what we do when hot guys pass, I can't control it." he wasn't the only one getting angry. "Oh, so you don't think I want to look at girls huh, but I try my best and hold it in so you don't end up getting hurt." I rolled my eyes, I knew this honeymoon was just a waste of precious time. "Eric, I don't give a rat's ass if you look at other girls, do what you want to do, I don't want to be the one to take that from you, so I suggest you do the same towards me." He glared so hard at me, I thought he might make a hole through me, "Fine, if that's how you want it." I nodded, "Yes, that's how I want it." "Fine.""Fine." I stormed upsatirs, he went outside.
Can you say newlyweds! We should start our own MTV show, that would be nice.
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How was it, thought they were friends and loved each other...YOU'RE WRONG.
Anyways, how was it, huh. How about some comments. I have 97 comments at the moment. You guys rock! That's why I write...:P. How about we get like 105 comments, eh? Would make me happy. :D
Later guys, got some packin' to do.
Yeah, no one told me who they're favourite band was. :(