Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage



Sometimes, I think I should just give up because everytime I try to be nice to her, it just becomes worse than it already is. I mean, I'm a guy, our hormones are stronger than the girls and I try my very best not to flirt with other girls and she just flirts with other guys like it's nothing, it just pisses me off. I'm trying to make this f***ing marriage work, I'm sure other girls won't be as hard as Amanda. I'm just sick of everything, I'm a human being for crying out loud. And now that she wants me flirting with other girls the way she does with other guys, I think I'll do just that so that she'll know how painful it is, hopefully she'll come back to her senses. I picked up my phone and called Blake, "Yeah?" I was just going to drop all my problems on him, "Amanda is being very difficult right now." He laughed, "Dude she was forced into marrying you so I'm sorry if she's not all over you." I was getting angry, "It's nice to know you find this funny." He suddenly stopped laughing, "I'm sorry, just, I don't know I've never been married before but I think you should give her her space." I sighed, "Talk to you later." I disconnected the phone, I knew Blake wasn't going to be of any help so I really don't know why I called him.


I was thinking of going shopping but I didn't know my way around, so I decided to call Darius. I went to Eric. "Hey, do you have Darius' number?" "What do you need it for?" He looked so hot lying in one of those pool chairs and his abs showing. FOCUS Amanda. "I want to go shopping." He sat up, "But we're having dinner tonight." I made an 'O' with my mouth, "Oh, I forgot, I guess I'll go tomorrow." His mood changed, what now? "How can you forget our dinner but you can remember his name." I rolled my eyes, what the hell, "Eric, it slipped my mind." He stood up, "You know what, forget the dinner, here, have the f***ing number." He hands me the number and walks out. My eyes hrew wide, is it a crime to forget stuff now? I couldn't care less so I called Darius and told him to come show me some shopping places and luckily for me, he agreed. Yay! Shopping with hottie.

He arrived. "So are you ready?" I smiled, "Yep!" We got into his car, which I must say was lovely. "I didn't know they had shopping malls in Rome." I said trying to start a conversation. He smiled at me which made me blush "I don't know about you but we're going to Milan." My eyes grew wide with astonishment, what's he up to? "What! That is far." He grinned, "I know, we're going to use a helicopter." I laughed, he's fun.

We got into the helicopter and arrived in Milan, we got to a street filled with shops. "This place is huge." I said looking all around me, we enetered some shops and bought things, I was having so much fun, we took pictures, it was like we were a couple. After shopping, we went to grab something to eat. "So what's up with you and Eric?" Why on earth did he have to bring that up? "Nothing much, why do you ask?" "It's like you were forced to marry him." So he noticed. "Look, I'm not trying to pry or anything, this might be an arranged marriage or something for all I know but I think you should just give him a chance, seems like he really loves you." What just happened, I thought he was trying to hit on me. Why does he have to be hot? "It's not that I hate him, I just don't trust him, you know guys like him, when you think they really love you, then you finally agree but they just end up hurting you." I can't believe I'm telling him all this. He looked concern, "Has this happened to you before?" I shook my head, "No, but it happened to my best friend, she was not herself for like two months and I'm trying to avoid that." He held my hands, "You should just give him a chance, you guys are married, so just try and make it work, you never know what might work and before you know it, you guys will start talking about kids." He laughed while I made a face and shuddered at the thought. Eek. He saw my expression and laughed. "Sorry for bringing that up, we should get going before Eric goes mad." I turned to him, "This has got to be the best seventeenth birthday ever." I didn't wait for his reaction I just got into the car and we headed back to the helicopter, "you mean it's your birthday?" I nodded, "And you've made it great so just don't say anything." He nodded and we headed back home.

When we got home, I turned to him. "Thanks Darius, I actually fell for you and I thought you were hitting on me at first." He laughed "Yeah, I was going to but you're married, I can't do that and besides Eric's a nice guy, I wouldn't do that unless he's a jerk, then hell yeah, I'll definately sweep you off your feet."We both laughed and we hugged each other and I headed back into the house. No one was in, where did Eric go to? I called his phone and a girl picked up. "Hello?" I dropped the phone. What the hell?
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Another update. Hope you liked it...