Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage


Amanda's POV

I packed my things ready to move to HIS house, we got into the limo and he kept on glaring at me. I didn't bother telling my parents goodbye. He didn't stop staring...

"Why are you staring at me?"

He didn't answer me, just kept on glaring...i really couldn't be bothered so i put on my itouch on and played 'Running Away by Elliot Minor' then my phone vibrated...Brian was calling...thank God!

"Hello Brian darling." Eric shot me a piercing glare...if stares could kill...i would have died a painful death. "Put down that phone, Amanda"

I pretended like i didn't hear him, i kept on talking to Brian that was till Eric grabbed my phone and threw it out the window.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." I was fuming with rage.

"I told you to put down the phone, if you are going to live with me, you have to respect my rules"

I couldn't believe what this ass was saying, i decided to put back my earphones and drown the rage in me. I cannot deal with this right now.

Eric's POV

I was so mad at her, why the hell would she be talking to another guy right in front of me...not like I'm jealous...i just couldn't stand it.

Amanda's POV

We got to the house...or should i say palace...i couldn't care less...the butler took my bags and i went upstairs...not like i knew where i was going...i saw an empty room, i went in and lay on the bed, I was so frigging tired, wasted my energy on someone worthless...just phone...what am i supposed to do now...and I'm too tired to go get a new one.

"What the hell are you doing in here." Ugh him again.

"What do you mean what am i doing here...isn't this a room so i came in here to rest." Sometimes I like to think I'm still in one of those freaky nightmares of mine.

"I mean this isn't my're supposed to be in my room."

Could this guy become more stupid. I didn't listen to what he said i put my ipod on and listened to my music on highest volume. I felt someone grab my legs and i landed with a thud on the floor. I hurt so bad.

"What is wrong with you, are you trying to kill me?"

"If that would get me away from marrying you."

OK. Now i was angry. "Do you think i want to marry you?"

He smirked. "Who wouldn't?"

Before i could reply to that stupid comment, a slutty girl ran into the room and jumped on Eric and gave him a full make out session. And i wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend. Bull crap.

"Amanda this is Chelsea, she's my girlfriend."

I shook her hand as if not to care "Nice to meet you, although Eric here never mentioned you." She gave me a dirty look and continued with Eric like i wasn't even here. I just walked out.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your damn business."

Ooh i hated that boy and i felt really hurt when i saw him kiss that girl...i must be going crazy.
♠ ♠ ♠
BTW....I hope this story is enjoyable and I wouldn't mind a co-author, I would even appreciate that. So plz if you are interested, let me know.
