Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

I love you Afterall


How the hell did I get here? Did I get in the wrong plane? I walked up to the customer help desk. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened or how I got here but I'm supposed to be in LA now." The attendant excused herself and went to talk to someone, then she came back. "I'm sorry, looks like you got in the wrong plane." I looked at her in disbelief, of course I got in the wrong plane. "Really?" I said in my sarcastic tone and she didn't answer me. I sighed, "So when's the next plane to LA?" She checked her computer. "I'm sorry, there seems to be a problem with the flights going to California." I was confused. "So what exactly does that mean?" She checked her computer again. "The next flight will be in three days time." "What!" My voice attracted some people but I didn't care. "Are you saying I'm stuck here for three days, can't I get a private plane or something?" "I'm sorry but I'm afraid it's impossible." What the hell am I going to do, I haven't been to Japan before neither do I know anyone here and my phone is dead. Just great. This is all Eric's fault, if he didn't let his emotions get in the way, I would be in LA by now. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I went out of the airport to look for a cab and luckily for me, I found one and I told him to take me to any hotel. I'm so angry right now.


Where the hell is she? She's supposed to be here by now, she's two hours late. I hope nothing happened, my heart was beating fast, if anything happened to her, I'll never forgive myself. Amy came in looking scared. "She hasn't come and her number's not going through." There was an awkward silence before she spoke up, "I hope there hasn't been any plane crash or something." When I heard plane crash my heart skipped a beat. "Amy please don't talk about that, I'm already in a wreck as it is now. I have to call the airport." I picked up the phone but I couldn't bring myself to dial the number, what if something happened to her?" Amy came up to me and held my hand. "Don't worry everything's going to be ok." "I shouldn't have left her there, I'm so stupid." She took the phone from me and dialed the number.

"Yes, is that Los Angeles Airport?" I was shaking, "has your plane landed, the one departing from Rome, it has?" My eyes widened, it has landed, I felt relieved for a bit. "Two hours ago, Ok, well my friend's not here I'm wondering if you could check your database if she got on the plane." Where the hell is she, she's not at her parent's. "Thank you, her name's Amanda Wal- sorry, Mrs Amanda Crawford, I'll wait, thank you." She looked at me. "Look on the bright side, the plane's safe." I gave her a fake smile, she got back on the phone. "Yes? She didn't get on the plane?" My heart beat quickened, "What? Do you know what plane she got on? Ok, thanks." She looked at me. "They don't know where she is." I almost passed out. "What do you mean?" She shrugged but I could see the fear on her face. "She wasn't on the plane maybe she's still in Rome." I stood up. "I'm going to Rome." She stood up also "I'm coming with you!"


Ok, I'm in Tokyo, that's all I know and I'm in a hotel. My phone wasn't comng on for some stupid reason. Why does this have to happen to me, of all days.


I just got into Rome now and can't find Amanda anywhere in the airport, I called Darius hoping for the first time she was with him. "Hello, Darius?" "What are you still doing here, I thought you guys had already gone?" My heart did a double flip, "What! You mean Amanda's not with you?" "What do you mean, didn't you two leave together?" I ran my hands through my hair, "She's missing, she didn't get on the plane." "I'm coming to the airport, just wait." Amy tapped me. "I'm going to ask so you can just wait here." I sat down, where the hell is she? If she's trying to kill me, it's really working, I can't even think straight.


"Excuse me, a friend of mine left from this airport and I need to know where she went to." She looked up at me, "What's her name?" "Amanda Crawford." She checked her computer and looked at me. "Her ticket says she's supposed to be in Los Angeles." "But she wasn't on the plane." She looked up at me sympathetically, "I'm sorry I cannot help you because there were so many planes that left around the time her plane left." Oh shit! I went back to Eric and I saw him talking to a very hot guy which must be Darius. Eric looked at me hopefully. "I'm sorry, they don't know where she is." He looked like he was going to die. "This is all my fault, if anything happens to her, I just don't know what I'm going to do.


I woke up and it took me about five minutes to figure out why I was here. I'm just hopeless, I'll make sure I kill Eric when I see him, making me go through all this because of a stupid lie. I cannot believe this, now what am I supposed to do here for the remaining two days. I went out for a walk, hoping to get relaxed a bit.


"I think we should just go back to LA because she might return and you'll never know." Amy looked at me. "You're right, let's just go and wait for her, I'm sure she'll come back unharmed." I'm sure she was just sying that to calm me down but it wasn't working. So we headed back to LA, and I just sat there waiting for my other half to come back, so that I can be whole again because right now I'm not me till I see her face.


I've spent two days doing nothing apart from sleeping, I just can't wait for tomorrow, I really miss Eric, no one to fight with. I ate some Japanese food and I really loved it. I went to the tattoo place and got Eric wriiten in a heart on my cleavage, it looked pretty. I never knew how much I loved him, I guess when you stay away from someone for some time, then your feelings start to show. I went into bed and slept waiting for tomorrow to come.

I woke up, practically jumped, had a bath and raced to the airport. I finally got my ticket and made sure I was in the right plane and sat down ready to land in LA.

After what seemed like years, I landed in LAX. Wooh, Thank God. I took a cab back to Eric's house and stepped in.

"Hello, is anybody here?" Why is everywhere so quiet before I knew it Eric came towards me and hugged me lifting me off the ground and kissing me everywhere. Oh, how I've missed him. "Where have you been, i was worried sick." That reminds me. I hit him with my bag. "You.Left.Me.At.The.Airport.And.I.Got.In.The.Wrong.Plane.And.Landed.In.Japan.Just.Because.Of.A.Stupid.Reason." I said followed with a hit on the back. He seemed not to be affected by this, he kept on hugging me and kissing me. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

Amy ran in and hugged me "Where have you been? Eric almost dug his grave and I was hysterical, don't ever do that again, it's not funny." Aww, I was missed. "I guess I have to leave, bye Mr and Mrs Smith." And she gave ne one last hug before she left. Eric came up behind me. "Don't ever do that again, please." He looked at me then smiled. "I see you got your own tattoo." And he kissed me and I kissed back. "Mind you, I got it because it was pretty." He laughed "And with my name on it, just admit it you love me." Now it was my turn to laugh. "In your dreams."

He held my waist "Guess what?" I looked at him, "What?" He smiled and kissed me. "I'm leaving the dream."
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew, this is the last chapter. I asked if you guys wanted like a part 2. I don't know.
If you want a sequel, let me know.
If not, hope you enjoyed this story.

If you want a sequel I'll give you a head start....They have a kid, which brings them together but not for too long when Eric's bi-polarness starts again and Edward comes back with his hotness and sh*t. So, know what to do.
It's been great writing for you guys. I love you all.

Hope to see you soon.