Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

Are You Crazy?

I drove back to the house hoping that no one was car's a Porsche.

I got back to the house and the first thing i hear is "Where the fuck have you been, you whore." Normally i wouldn't take that from anyone but because i was tired and didn't want to start a big scene and by the look of things I'm guessing he was drunk, so i just went upstairs to take a bubble bath, while in the bath i was listening to my ipod then the JERK just walked in like it was nothing.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing, can't you see I'm taking a bath". He came towards the bath and looked down at me. "Where did you go to?"

"Can't you ask me this when I'm in a decent position to answer you." His mood seriously changed and i was so scared. What did my parents get me into? With my voice shaky i answered him.

"I went to the apple store to get a new phone since y-" he cut me off

"Is that what took you all day?"

Is there a loose knot in this guy's head. "We'll continue this when you are out of the bathroom." and he just walked out...i was getting pissed by the moment, who did this boy think he was?

I had my bath then went to have dinner, i ate pizza(pepperoni and cheese) and after that i felt i got into the HUGE bed...

I always slept with music on...before i could do that...

"Don't tell me you're going to bed, because i haven't finished with you." OK. Now i was mad.

"What the hell do you want from me?"

"I asked what you were doing other than getting a phone."

"Nothing, even if i was doing something, you have a girlfriend and i didn't say anything about it."

"That's because you didn't tell me you had a problem with it."

I did have a problem with it...but i wasn't going to tell him that.

"Well, i don't have-" and he cut me off again

"Well problem solved, but i don't want you near any guy, understand?"

As he was talking my phone rang...guess who...Edward was calling...i was freaked out...i didn't want to pick up the phone and Eric noticed i was behaving weird...and he started walking towards the phone..i quickly picked up the phone.


"Hi, sorry if i woke you up...i just couldn't sleep." I had to do was 1AM.

"Um...Amy I'll call you back...I'm in the middle of something." I was quite sure Eric wouldn't fall for that trick.

"Who the fuck was that?"

"Oh...that, that's my friend Amy" I started trying to shift away from him.

"Give me the phone, how dumb do you think i look?"

With that he tried to grab the phone but he was faster than me and within seconds he was on top of me and he grabbed the phone, he checked for the caller ID and saw Edward's name...
♠ ♠ ♠
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