Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage



"Who the fuck is this?" Why is he yelling, it's not like we have feeligs for each other, why is he acting this way and by the way it's too early to be shouting.

"That's my cosin and what the hell do you care?"

He came very close to me, we were less than an inch apart "Look closely at me, how dumb do you think i look?"

Dude, this guy's freaking me out.

"But you have a girlfriend and i don't say anything so why can't i have fun it's not like we're married anyway". He slapped me across the face...hard.

"If that's what you want i'll break up with her, and i know you're a whore but now that you're with me you could at least do me a favor by stopping it" I was still in shock of the slap, so i just layed down on the bed and cried myself to sleep.


I was so mad at her, i couldn't even believe i slapped her, i've never hit a girl before, i just want her for myself and nobody else.

It was 6AM and i walked inside the room and tapped her gently to wake up and get ready for school, when she opened her eyes they were red...she was crying...shit.

" earlier on i don't know what got into me i'm sorry, i shouldn't have hit you". She glared at me and left for the bathroom.

Well, i've done my part.


What the hell, does he think sorry will take the pain again...not only do i have to go to a new school today and meet a bunch of erics i have to put up with him for the rest of MY LIFE. Arghhhhh this is so frustrating and annoying.

We ate breakfast in silence and the chauffeur drove us to school in the limo. The school was huge like Hogwarts with modern day stuff and walls.

When Eric and i walked past girls, they were almost fainting and they were staring daggers at me. is going to be just great!!

I had Spanish first period while Eric had PE class.

My spanish teacher Mrs.Gomez introduced me to the class" I would like to introduce our new student Amanda Darling." I heard whistling from the boys and a few smiles from the girls.

The class was commencing when a hot guy walked into the room "Mr.Brown, if i may ask why are you coming to my class this late" I couldn't hear what he told her but she smiled and let him sit down, he sat down next to me and when i looked at him it was Edward.


"Hey, Edward I didn't know you were in this school."

He smiled that charming smile of his.

"When I called you earlier today, you were acting kind of strange."

Think of a lie....FAST

"You called?"

"Yes" He looked confused

"Maybe i picked up the phone when i was sleeping, i think i was half asleep, don't worry it happens alot, i'm really sorry"

He looked relieved

"No, it's ok, i just thought you didn't want to talk to me again"

" why wouldn't i want to talk to you"

We talked till spanish class was over i can say that the only thing i heard during spanish class was ¿Usted dos quisiera compartir lo que usted está diciendo con la clase? which means "Would you two like to share what you're saying with the class?"

We had History next period and we walked together to the class only to meet up with Eric on the way

"Who the fuck is this, Amanda?"

Edward looked mad "Excuse me?"

"Sorry Ed, excuse me" I dragged Eric to a corner "Were you created to destroy my life?"

"Maybe you didn't get what i said to you, i mean i don't want you talking to any guy, looking at any guy even smiling at any guy, i don't like it"

WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! Is this boy drunk?

"You can't tell me what to do and what not to do, you're not the boss of me"

He smirked "Watch me!" He left and went to his class. OK now i was scared shit of this guy.

I went into History class and i apologized to Edward "I'm sorry he's just drunk" I'm not gonna stop talking to Edward because Eric said so...i kinda like know what i like Edward.
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Sorry for the late update.