Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Completed! :D

Like It Or Not - Arranged Marriage

No One But Me!


"For your information, Edward and I are dating."

Well his mood changed and he grabbed my hand and pushed me to the chair and ended up on top of me.

"Eric, get of me." I said that in a calm way but he pressed down harder so i couldn't move an inch.

He looked me deadly in the eyes "Repeat what you just said." I wasn't scared of him.

"I said Edward and I are dating." I was curious on what he was going to the next.

He lips were inches away from mine "Say it again."

"Edward and I are da-" and he cut me off with his lips, i tried to pull away but he held me down so i just stayed there not moving my lips, when he finally noticed that i wasn't kissing him back, he stopped and looked at me. I thought i saw a glint of hurt in his eyes. He got off me and went upstairs, i really don't know but i felt bad.

No, why should i feel bad when he's probably done worse things. He ignored me for the rest of the night and he didn't sleep on "our" bed. I should have been happy that i get the bed all to myself but then rain picked that time to fall and i was scared shit of rainfalls in the night and the thunder it comes with, making trees outside looks scarier than they already are.

I screamed and ran out of the room looking for Eric and the house was so big, i kept on shouting his name but no answer....just great.

"Eric." I passed an open room an saw a shadow standing near the window, at first i was scared, then i double checked and it was the idiot, is he deaf or what.

"Are you trying to say you didn't hear me scream your name the whole time?" No answer.

OK, now i was curious to know what was up with this dude.

So i tried to talk to him in a very calm way.

"Hey, why are you not answering me." I touched his arm, and he shrugged it off. OK.

He turned around "What the f*** do you want, go and meet up with Edward or something my girlfriend is coming over so i don't want her to have the wrong idea or something"

I was so pissed, i try to make him happy and this is what i get.

I turned on my heel to leave that was when he grabbed me and pushed me to the bed and was on top of me "What do you see in that boy that you don't see in me?"

I smell jealousy.

"Well, for starters, he's kind, lovely, respects women (I emphasized on that one) and so many things you're not" He looked really hurt.

"Why would you tell your husband something like that, don't you know you just hurt my feelings."

"You're not my husband and i don't care what anyone else says, I'm not getting married to you."

He started to kiss me and i didn't pull away. WHY. I wanted to but i didn't because I'd never felt anything like that before, he kissed my neck ad i moaned. WAIT. I moaned, what the hell. He kissed my shoulder down to my fingers tracing kisses as he went down to my fingers. It was like a love scene i watched....WHAT did i just say. What is wrong with me, he kept on kissing me, then faced me and smirked.

"Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes, i mean no." He smirked again.

"I'll take that as a yes."

He continued from where he stopped, then took off his shirt and quickly kissed me to stop me from saying anything. I don't know what happened but my shirt was off too. I felt so loved and then Edward's face came into my head and i stopped Eric.

"What are you doing, i told you i was dating Edward."

He looked pissed "May i remind you that I'm the one you're f***ing getting married to not Edward and you have the guts to tell me you're dating him, you know what from now on if i see you anywhere near that guy, you don't want to know what I'll do to you." He stormed out and the rain stopped.

OK, that was weird.


Now i was pissed, what can Edward give her that i can't. I'm gonna show her who's boss. First I'll dump Britney.

I hate seeing her with other guys, it just makes me so mad. She belongs to me and only me.



I saw Edward and ran up to meet him i didn't care what Eric said, Edward's mine. "Hey!" I kissed his lips and he kissed back then he pulled back like i punched him.

"Edward, what is it?"

He kept on looking at me like i was a ghost or something, i tried to look at myself, i give up.

"Edward, what is it, talk to me" I held him and he pulled his hand off me. What is going on.

"Amanda, what the hell is that on your neck?" What is he talking about. I took a mirror out of my bag and saw what he was talking about, i was scared and bewildered, i had a hickey/love bite on my neck.
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Hope everyone's enjoying the story.