Status: in the process of being typed

The Wizards of Perfil

The House of Mrs Hubble

As we drive to the Hubble house i gaze out the window,Me and Jezebel have been in this car for three hours now and we started to near a really forestry area."Hey Jezebel look"there were trees as big as mountains here and flowers as bright and pretty as the rainbow."Hey Jezebel did you see that thing that just flew like different shades of colored light""No what are you talking about Atticus your seeing stuff that is all".I huffed and slumped back into staring out at the moving scenery around me searching for that creature but in the end nothing,the car started to bump real bad as we pulled into a start of a driveway and stopped in front of a huge black iron gate."Hello"the sound of a woman's voice must be Mrs Hubble."yes we have arrived with the children miss""okay "the gate mechanically started to open. The house must of been a mile from the gate but wow the front yard is a vast garden of butterflies and birds flowers,and herbs, we pull up to a giant what this is no house this is a mansion.In front of us was a huge house with so many windows i couldn't count them all and at the front door standing there was Mrs Hubble herself dressed in what looked like the finest gypsy clothing of patches iv'e ever seen a dress of colorful patches and what she had dreadlocks.The social worker had opened the door with are bags removed from the trunk"greetings Mrs Hubble,these young ones are Jezebel and Atticus"Welcome to my home children now we will get along fine as long as you obey and do as your told you are free to wander about the house and anything on this property except for the trail into the woods which has a gate which is as well locked do not wander into that trail we shall get along fine."so Mrs Hubble thank you for housing the children on such short notice if you can be a temporary home we will be coming in,and checking with you and the children and will be finding an adoptive family or a more long term home that could house them.In the meantime "children please behave its hard bto find homes especially ones that are willing to not separate the two of you and we wouldn't want that to happen goodbye for now we will visit in a week".
Mrs Hubble led us inside the house was the most beautiful house something you would see only in the movies and Hollywood,although the energy i felt was a mystic magical energy i was curious more curious then iv'e ever been before.The floors were covered in velvet with rugs of animal hide strewn in different places,pictures of different country's with Mrs Hubble and strange funny looking people were up on the walls there were murals painted which looked like dragons and mandalas,fairy's and statues of elfs were put in corners arranged looking out all sorts of ways.Mrs Hubble led us up a giant staircase which was spiral in the middle of the ceiling hung a giant chandaleir of what appeared as ice blue glass.Upstairs were so many doors she walked to the fourth door in the hallway which opened to another staircase when we opened the next door on the top of the staircase,it was huge a room so huge decorated in murals of animals and fairy's,there were six beds ,filled with stuffed animals and animal pillows,around the room were toys and building toys,a train set was wrapped around the whole entirety of the room,there was a side of the wall with books and easels,canvas and art supplies.This will be your room for now children please clean up after yourselves and dinner is at seven o clock we will talk more at dinner if you have any questions feel free to go downstairs and knock on my studio door,I must go finish some work.The door shut"Wow Jezebel straight out of a dream'what is this place i never want to leave i could call this home but that Mrs Hubble is a strange quiet person,but this house i feel an energy Jezebel like from my dreams like I've been here before but that's impossible right.Tell me i'm not going crazy."No your not"Jezebel tells me as shes entranced at a painting of a dragon fighting a sorcerer on the wall"hey are you okay Jezebel"yea i'm fine its like I've seen that dragon before but impossible it was only a dream maybe others like Mrs Hubble can dream identical to a strangers.
On our beds each of us had some presents new clothes,sneakers.and a map of the house and the land with what appeared as a do not enter warning to the woods."well isn't she very determined to make sure we don't wander into the woods is she hiding something?",Jezebel was definitely not listening to a word i said as she was skimming through the tittles of the books,there must of been over a hundred of books Jezebel finds one picks it up and brings it to the bed."Mythical fairy tale creatures of the medieval ages"Jezebel opens the book to a random page and starts reading aloud""The leucrota is somewhat confusingly described as having the rear parts of a stag, and the chest and legs of a lion, but with cloven hooves. Its most distinctive characteristic is its charming wide-mouthed grin, which stretches across its head. Its teeth are single, continuous pieces of bone, and it is capable of imitating the sound of a human voice.
"interesting i thought"Hey Jezebel keep reading"BANSHEE
a spirit, usually a woman, appears before and Irishman when a member of his family dies. Only the oldest Irish families who can trace their lineage to the legendary Irish heroes of the Middle Ages have Banshees.
What do's Mrs Hubble do for a living do you think?"I don't know Atticus maybe shes a crazy hippie who painted all of this,loves children in distress and feels that she needs to help,and has a love for the medieval times and era of fairy tales a collector i presume"Alright if you say so i will stop being nosy.
I start to unpack my bags slowly rifling threw the stuff i choose to bring ,I pull out my journal where i flip to the page i wrote the night my mother died,I quickly stop myself from rereading my tearful event in our lives and paste a picture of mom me and Jezebel at my birthday party when i turned four,i paste the photo into my journal and lay on the bed marveling at the ceiling,it was completely covered in constellations of glowing stars and planets,the constellation i quickly noticed that above my bed was the winter constellation where monoceros was gleaming at me,"hey Jezebel its my favorite constellation monoceros in English its called the unicorn"cool but you are the worlds biggest nerd she shouts don't bother me i'm nerd'ing out and reading"okay"i say and go back to searching the ceiling and going over astronomy in my mind.
I must of drifted off to sleep cause i was dreaming again my dream went sort of like this '
The enchanted forest beckoned me into its pulsing heart. How could I resist such a lush Garden of Eden? The deep, haunting ballad of its ancient song called out to me. As old as Adam, the forest was still steeped in plushness and opulence.
With a light heart, I plunged into the over-arching vault of leaf and limb. It was not what I had expected. The exquisiteness of the dawn’s light had not yet lanced to the lush, green sward. Because of this, hoods of black shadow hung in the groves.
Coils of vaporous mist enwrapped the shaggy heads of the oak trees. They writhed around them like a conjuror’s milky smoke, sensuous and illusory. Sieves of mist caressed the lichen-encrusted bark. Adding its phantasmal gas to the damp breath of the forest, it glided with deadly intent. It deadened sound, haunted glades and poured into empty spaces. A sepulchral silence overhung the hallowed ground where the trees dared not grow. Nothing stirred, nothing shone, nothing sang. A hollow echoing, like the hushed tones of a great, slabbed cathedral, entombed the wood.
Then a finger of supernal light poked through the misty mesh. It was followed by a whole loom of light, filtering down in seams of gold. Like the luminal glow of the gods, it chased the shadows, banished the gloom and spilled into spaces where the mist once stalked. The fluty piping of a songbird split the silence just as the forest became flooded with light. A fusillade of trilling and warbling detonated all around me as the primordial forest came alive with the troubadours of the trees. I darted between shafts of lustrous-gold light as I went, admiring the butterflies. They pirouetted in the air, their wings a-whirr like little ripples of silk.
The glory of the forest was revealed in the birthstone-bright light. Almond-brown trees stood serenely, awash with a tender glow. Their bark looked like riffled toast and gems of amber clasped their crusty exterior. The first blush of the morn gave the leafy bower a green-going-to-gold complexion.
Idling past suede-soft flowers, I caressed them softly, getting tingles in my fingers. My ears perked up at the metallic, tinkling sound of a stream. It flashed with a tinsel tint through the lace of leaves. When the trees parted, I could see it was sliding into an infinity-pool. The pool looked like a polished mirror of silver, with skeins of swirl-white twisting slowly on the surface. A shiny spillway led to a choppier pond. Boulders colonized the edges of the pond, buffed with pillows of moss. They caused a rocky gurgling as water met stone; a swish, a clunk, a swell and a clop. Sweet fragrances, alluvial and palliative, seemed to flit in and out of my awareness. Sight and smell vied for attention in this soul-enriching dream world.
I put my back against a knobbly boulder, leaning my head against the mossy pillow. I closed my eyes, let my stream of consciousness take hold, and drifted into infinity. When I awoke after i heard Mrs Hubble call us for dinner, I couldn’t remember my dream, but softness and silvers still lingered in the memory of it.
i slowly rubbed the fatigue and sleep from my eyes and headed downstairs for dinner.
As i reached the dining room with Jezebel it was big enough for a king on the table was food i've never seen before,There were meats and potatoe looking dishes,weird vegetables,a weird soup of some sort and plates of desserts,
"well children i know this is all very new for the two of you but i had spent very many years traveling the whole world,with my the job i have,so i'm a little different then most people you have probably met in your life,but not being ordinary is okay i love my life and am happy to share it with the both of you"Mrs Hubble'"Yes Atticus my boy what would you like"well what is this food?its so different then what mom used to cook or different from food back home."Well yes I've spent years traveling and prefer cuisine of different country's the food in america how do you put it,well in good terms its garbage food in this country is meant to harm you filled with chemicals and such".what is all of this food called"well we are having Münchner Weißwurst,which in English and not German is called Munich white sausage,their is also Kapustnica,which is a soup made of sauerkraut,also i have cooked szilvasgombac and nudii in English it is called,sweet plum dumplings and small noodles, rolled in sweet fried butter breadcrumbs or streusel. I have also cooked some mashed potatoes and leeks with a dessert of golden cloudberrys,and tiramisu with crepes also wrapped in boysenberry jam,now less chatting and more eating it's getting late and your bedtime is soon.
As i take a bite of food it was warming tasty,and wonderful as i was half way done with dinner i asked a question"uh Mrs Hubble what do you do for a living if i may ask mam","Well my boy i am an artist and a researcher,i also work for a historical foundation which conserves the medieval era, but that is all i choose to share it's hard work and i don't want to start babbling about things you wouldn't understand"."But Mrs Hubble i really would like to know more about it i truly do please can you teach me about the medieval era please don't make a seven year old beg it will get annoying".Okay in the morning i will show you my studio now enough finish and off to bed please i'm extremely tired i was painting all day.So i finish my dinner and i retreat upstairs.As i lay in my bed Jezebel is going on and on about this book shes been reading about medieval creatures"BOGGART
A shape shifting spirit, while normally invisible, it can materialize as a human, an animal, a skeleton, or a demon. In America, its known as the boogie man".Wow what do you mean wow well Jez i had a dream again i remember only so little of it but it haunts me."Just go to sleep atticus and don't fight your dreams.
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i know its slow but it would be great for comments i will keep writing it will start unfolding real soon because Atticus is now headed into a direction him and Jezebel will never forget