A Beautiful Lie


A girl of four years old with red short straight hair with silver streaks with beautiful ice blue eyes she was wearing a black dress currently she was running to her father screaming "Sora-sama there's a boy pulling on my hair" she had tears in her eyes but her father who's name was Sora only looked at her sternly and said "Please do not come to me wit these filthy lies, you disgrace our family!"she looked down she wasn't used to this treatment. After a while a boy with glossy black hair came into view but he had his head down so we couldn't see his face. When he finally reached her and her father he looked up and you could see his eyes. His right eye was the color of blue while the left eye consisted of red "I'm sorry about my brother"he said his tone dripped with sarcasm. Her father appeared as if he ignored the tone and the boy completely "Ayame lets go" he pushed passed the boy and walked towards the car. The boy fell on his behind Ayame extend her hand only to be slapped away "leave me alone witch" he hissed she flinched at the words and complied the boy got up and ran back. She took a few steps and stepped on something she retreated her step and picked up a necklace it was a heart it had some name on it she took a closely look as she read out loud "Minato" in the distant she heard her father "Are you coming?!?!?!" she quickly but safely tied it on her neck and ran to where the car was.....