Blood is Thicker Than Water


We were blood. It was supposed to be like that. Simple, easy to remember.

Blood. We were related, looked nothing alike, but related. Me, with my long, stringy black hair, hazel eyes dulled unless I was writing, drawing or singing, when he said they shined as if suns had appeared behind them.

Him with his short, emo-styled brown-blonde hair, bright hazel eyes that were usually paired with a shy smile, a laugh, sun glinting off the glasses he’d worn since he was nine.

You can probably guess who we are by now. I am Gerard Way, oldest of us two Way brothers. He is Mikey, younger of the two, obviously.

Mikey has these….doubts about himself. They started a few weeks ago, when our mom complimented a drawing I had done. Suddenly, Mikey started thinking that no matter what he did, I would have done it first. Not true.

Mikey does a few things I could never do. Pass tests, for one. He plays bass, and is always the one with friends over. I have no friends, unless you count the kids I grew up with, Ray, Frank, and Matt. I’ve known these three since forever, and they’re really cool, but I like being around Mikey.

We’ve always been really close, and these days we’re just getting closer, ya know? Anyway, I’ll let you alone now, you’re probably sick of me rambling on.

Oh, and if you ever see me again, hanging around like a loser, say hi. Might just make my day.