Blood is Thicker Than Water

Mikey's Song

“They say friendship is stronger than family, but water is thinner than blood. I’m barely into high school, and he’s off in New York. Can’t help me with the school play, ‘cause he’s gotta be at work. I never get to see him, my brother and best friend. Now I can’t wait for Christmas, when this torture finally ends. They say friendship is stronger than family, but water is thinner than blood.”

I open my eyes, the hot stage lights blinding me, flashing off my glasses and the guitar I got from Gerard last year, when he was still here in New Jersey, still my laid-back, goofy big brother.

All is quiet for a moment, and then applause rings out. I half-smile and make my way off-stage, freezing halfway back when I hear, “And now, a special performance from a recent graduate, Gerard Way.” I smile fully.

“He’s back.”