Blood is Thicker Than Water

Gerard's Smile

“And now, a special performance from a recent graduate, Gerard Way.” I jump onto the stage, grab the mic, and grin cheesily.

“Heya, guys! Great to be back at Hellville- I mean, Bellville High. This one’s for Mikes.” I grin, knowing that would catch his attention, and winking when he looks up, shocked.

“There’s nothing that can get between us. We’re closer than two clouds in the sky. When I reach out, you’re always there, and I swear I feel like I can fly. So take my hand, my brother, blood is thicker than water.”

Mikey stands, looks at me with a question in his eyes. I look back, nod, and he vaults onto the stage, landing in a perfect crouch next to me. He hugs me, and the mic clatters to the floor, squealing with feedback, amplifying our words. “I missed you, Gee.” “Missed you too, kid. Missed you too.”