Status: Oneshot.

A Single Whisper

Screams fill the air. Not the blood curdling type of screams, that make you flinch in pain; but the happy laughter type.

A girl with dirty corn silk hair sits in the corner of a tunnel. Yes, a tunnel. She is a sewer child. More specifically? A Were-child.

Not just any Were-child.

A Mutt Child.

She is disgraced by her peers.

Yeah, your basic hybrid Were-vamp scenario.

Her name, have you been wondering, is Sarah.

A boy approaches her taking deep breaths.

His name Is Rye.

He smiles warmly, waving nonchalantly at her. She smiles back, her face beaming in the darkness of her home.

He is her best friend. Her only friend. And secret crush.

Lame, we know.

Entree to the Children of the Night Vampire Contest
  1. A little Known Secret.
    Word count: 519