Night Princess

Night Princess

I hated etiquette lessons. But no matter how bad they got, I always forced a smile on my face and pressed on. Mother said it was unfortunate that I was born with nine older brothers, or I would at least have someone to share my misery with. Though everyone in the country thought that I enjoyed and worked hard on my lessons, only people in my family knew that I was actually jealous of my brothers. I didn’t think it was fair that I had to learn how to hold teacups while my brothers were outside mastering their sword skills or archery accuracy.
But I have a secret that no one can ever know about.
During the day, I was Princess Miyu, the elegant heiress that was known to the world as a delicate and gentle person. But as the last drop of sunlight disappears into the horizon, I would become Night, a legendary sorceress that protects the forests with her ‘sisters’.
Of course, I couldn’t share this secret with the family. It would be an outrage if a princess was found doing ‘improper stuff’ with vulgar people. If any of my brothers had a ‘part-time job’ like mine, I was almost certain that my father would be proud of them. He would say, “Ah, it is good training for when you need to take over for me.” But I was born a girl. Father would be disgusted at me. Girls were supposed to be born faithful, obedient, and married off for social class purposes, not running around at night leading a group of magic-ability people.
Ayaka-sensei slammed her hand down on my table. I looked up slowly, “Sensei?” I respectfully address my teacher.
Ayaka-sensei gave me a glare. “Princess Miyu,” she accented the first syllable of my name which really ticked me off. “Repeat the last sentence of my lecture.”
I looked into her eyes and calmly replied, “I apologize, Sensei, but my mind wandered. Can you please repeat what you were saying?”
Ayaka-sensei deepened her glare. “Listen to me, Miyu. You might be princess of this country, but I am the teacher in this class. Your parents sent you here to learn how to be a lady, did they not?”
I hated the way Ayaka-sensei talked to people. She’d always trap you with questions so your only answer can be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. “Yes Sensei.” I told myself to not lose my temper; I was in classes with all the daughters of the noble families and it wouldn’t benefit our social status if I made a bad impression on myself.
“So here, you will start acting like a lady. You will only find a prince if you have proper manners!” Ayaka-sensei spun on her heels and walked back to the head of the class.
I dared not to let my mind escape the lesson again. Mother would definitely yell at me tonight if I continue to upset Ayaka-sensei. I sighed as I stole a glance outside the only window in the room. The sun was not even half way across the sky, yet I already longed for the night air and the skies full of stars.

My brothers were talking about archery today at the dinner table. I pretended to be not interested, but I was really trying to hold myself back from joining in to the conversation. I mean, the sorceresses of the forest were famed for their accuracy and precision in their archery techniques, and I, being head of the sorceresses was one of the best archers.
“I’m sorry, Miyu,” my eldest brother Kazuya apologized suddenly, “We’re leaving you out of the talk, aren’t we?” He was always the most caring one, the one that protected me and the rest of my brothers.
“Oh no, ‘Nii-sama,” I used the respective name for elder brother. “It’s interesting listening to all of you talk. I have nothing interesting to report today anyways.”
But Kazuya was insistent on changing the subject. “So what are all of you doing tonight?” This was the worst topic for me to talk about.
Takumi, the brother closest to my age, gave my third brother across the table an evil smirk. “Oh, we all know what Daisuke’s gonna do tonight…”
Shugo looked up from his empty plate, “Daisuke, you’re not serious about marrying Princess Rena, right?” He frowned at his plate, “I’m gonna get seconds.” Without waiting for a reply from Daisuke, Shugo left the table.
Mother interrupted our conversation. “Miyu, that’s right. I have something I wanted to discuss with you.” All of us looked up. It was uncommon for Mother to speak, let alone at the dinner table.
“What is it Mother?” I asked curiously. My brothers grew silent since they were probably just as anxious as me.
My mother sat up straight and folded her hands in her lap. “I have finally found a suitable husband for you.”
There was silence.
Daisuke blinked and rephrased what I thought, “What?”
“I already have it arranged. You will be marrying a prince from my best friend’s kingdom.” Mother calmly explained to all of us, except our reactions weren’t calm.
“But Mother, doesn’t that mean Miyu will leave us?” Kazuya questioned. At this, most of my brothers started to complain to Mother and tried to persuade Mother to rethink her decisions. My mother held up a hand that silenced them. “My decision is final, Kazuya. Miyu will meet the prince tomorrow.” Mother was using her strictest tone and none of us dared to bring this matter up again.

I was sprinting through the trees, weaving in and out between the branches. Behind me, the full moon was shining brightly in the sky, leading me to the center of the forest. I had changed out of my ridiculous long dress and into a leaf-woven skirt. There was a green band tied around my now-braided-hair that matched the top I wore. In my left hand was my bow and on my back was my stock of arrows. I was ready to begin my hunt of the Shadow Demons tonight with my sisters.
As I began to enter the thicker parts of the forest, I saw a figure rushing at me with full speed. With quickness that most people would be astonished at, I strung my bow with three arrows.
The figure stopped and broke the silence, “Miyu, it’s me.” I could recognize her voice from anywhere.
“Kana,” I sighed and lowered my weapon. Kana was my best friend. I mean, I had friends at court, but they would talk about their betrothed everyday and bore me to death. And also, Kana was one of the sorceresses. She had the power of the Black Eye, which would let her control anyone’s mind. She was also a skilled archer that used arrows dipped in black blood.
It was unusual for Kana to meet me on my way to the Green Palace—that was the name of our little hideout—so I asked, “Why are you here? Is something wrong?”
Kana rushed over to me. “Yes…it’s horrible Miyu. Someone has found out about our locations and even the Green Palace! Rin sensed someone passing the barrier hours ago. Where were you?”
As we started to pace towards the Green Palace, I felt a deep sense of shame. Nobody must know of my secret, which means I haven’t told any of my ‘sisters’ that I was actually the princess of the imperial family. I was afraid that if they found out, they would reject me and kick me out. “I’m sorry,” I tried to find the best excuse possible, “I was busy tonight and my mother was making a fuss about something.”
“Oh.” That was Kana’s answer. I liked this best about her. She wasn’t like the court ladies, always pushing for an answer.
As the moon disappeared behind the last branches of the trees and a green glow began to appear in our sight, we hear the sound of horse hooves clanking on the ground behind us. Kana immediately jumped onto a branch of the highest tree near us as I greeted our visitor.
It was a young boy not much older than I. He had messy brown hair that stuck up in every direction and he had blue eyes that almost glowed in the dark. I watched as he raised his eyebrows at the sight of me and stopped his horse.
I decided that I needed to take control of this situation. “Who are you and why are you here?”
The boy looked surprised, “My name is Kiyoshi and I live in lands near here. Why shouldn’t I be here?”
“This is our forest.” I answered with a stern voice, “And strangers are not permitted to enter these parts.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that. I’ve always been in these forests since I was little.” He focused his attention on me and took a step forward, “May I ask what your name might be, Lady?” I didn’t answer; I was trying to stop my heart from beating so fast all of a sudden.
Luckily, Kana answered for me, “She is the sorceress Night, though I don’t see what that has to do with you being here.” I looked up and saw Kana with an arrow strung to her bow. That usually meant she was preparing for an attack.
I shook my head at her. “It is okay, Kana. Let him be if he hasn’t done anything wrong here.”
Kiyoshi looked curious. “So that’s what the legendary Night looks like. Wow, you’re a lot prettier than I had imaged.” I blushed at his comment and hated myself.
I turned to Kana. “Please, go onto the hunt; you can take charge for today.”
Kana looked at us suspiciously. “Alright, but listen Kiyoshi, if you dare harm our Mistress, we’ll hunt you down.” With that, Kana disappeared into the darkness of the trees and I turned my attention back onto Kiyoshi.
“Please explain why you’re here.” I commanded in what I hoped was a strong voice.
Kiyoshi lowered his lashes. “Do you really want to know the real reason why?”
I hated it when boys didn’t take me seriously; I went up to him, grabbed him by his shirt, and slapped him with all the strength I could muster. “Don’t play with me. I want to know why.”
He grabbed my hand and smiled innocently, “Because I wanted to see you.”
I instantly release him and felt my cheek grow hot.
When he saw my reactions, his smile widened and he sat down on the ground. “Listen, the only reason I came here today was because I wanted to see what you looked like. See, I’ve been in love you since I first heard about you through my sister. But my mom wants me to marry off tomorrow for her so I wanted to see you before I marry her.”
I sat down next to him. “Who are you marrying?”
He looked thoughtful for a moment. “I don’t really know. Mother just said that she was a princess.”
“A princess? Well, then you should be happy to marry her, huh?” I tried to encourage him.
Kiyoshi scratched his head. “Well, I like girls that are strong-minded and independent. I want someone who I can treat as an equal instead of as a wife. To me, I don’t see what the point of marrying a princess who can’t really be a partner with you on the throne. I wanted someone that understands her responsibilities and can lead the country when I’m gone.” Kiyoshi stopped talking and I let what he said sink into me. I thought he was absolutely right. Women and men should be treated as equals.
“Oh no,” Kiyoshi exclaimed as we saw the sky on the eastern horizon turn from blue to light orange. “I have to meet my bride today and I’m going to be late!” He stood up and I pushed myself tiredly up with him.
As he was about to mount his horse, he turned to look one last time at me. “Night,” he called and smiled shyly at me, “Will you give me a good luck kiss for my wedding?”
I looked up at him and tried my best to glare.
Kiyoshi laughed, “Just kidding, don’t glare like that! You won’t look cute anymore!” With that, he mounted his horse and rode off out of the forest.

The maids were swirling around me. They were pinning up my hair that was just curled and helping me into a laced blue dress. I had my eyes closed and couldn’t see anything since one of the maids was trying to put makeup on me.
It was really annoying. I didn’t want to meet my mysterious betrothed prince. I didn’t even want to be here. Ever since yesterday night, all I’ve been thinking about is Kiyoshi’s words and his ways of seeing the world.
I hardly noticed as Mother pulled me into high heels and down the stairs to the main greeting room. My mind was in such a daze that I didn’t even properly greet our guest until Mother pinched me on the arm.
I looked up and saw the queen, Mother’s best friend, and curtsied. I heard her say, “My, what a beautiful girl you’ve got. She looks like an angel!” And the queen stepped aside to reveal her son.
He had messy brown hair that stuck up in every direction and he had blue eyes that almost glowed. My eyes widened. It was impossible, but…
“This is my son,” the queen introduced, “Prince Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi dear, this is the girl I was talking about: Princess Miyu.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Miyu,” Kiyoshi took my hand and kissed it, but his voice had lost all the energy it had last night.
I raised my eyebrow slightly and answered him back, “Welcome to our kingdom, Kiyoshi.” I guessed that he didn’t recognize me since I was under all that makeup.
The two queens must have thought our introduction was the most lame they’ve ever seen or something because they left the two of us to ourselves for tea when I came up with a plan.
“Kiyoshi, would you follow me, please?” Kiyoshi looked down at me with tired eyes and yawned while he followed me. While we were walking down the numerous halls, I tried my best to have a normal conversation with him. “What do you think is important in a girl?”
He looked at me and answered, “I think a girl should be just as strong-minded and independent as a boy.” I wasn’t surprised; it was the same answer he gave me last night. I lead him to my dressing room and closed the door behind us.
“Why do you think that?”
Kiyoshi frowned. “Well, girls need to be strong in order to become rulers, Lady. Excuse me, but why are we here?”
Now it was my turn to smile, “Turn around and close your eyes please.” As he turned, I took out the pins that held up my curls and braided my hair. Then I took a random piece of cloth that I found lying around and tied it around my hair. Lastly, I went into the bathroom and washed away my makeup.
“Okay, you may turn around now.” Kiyoshi turned slowly and I saw his eyes widen when he saw me.
“Y-you…her…Miyu…” He was lost for words.
I laughed. “Do you still want that good luck kiss for your wedding?”
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~I wrote this such a long time ago I don't even think it's that good anymore. I just felt like posting something, so here ya go!!! Comments are always welcome... :D