Status: Spankin' New!



"Goodbye!" Alice shouted, waving to her friends that she was about to leave. Stepping out of the club, the cold air hit her bare arms and quickly put on her black pea coat. Flipping her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder and fixed her black head band, she began to start her route home.

It was an average Saturday night for Alice. Going out with her friends, and then the first to leave because she would always get bored and want to go somewhere new. She got bored quickly and never paid much attention to one certain thing, but her friends never complained when she left them to go back home and read a book for the rest of the night. Alice can remember her childhood; being interested in many things and always wondering about the small wonders of life and how things came to be.

The young girl continued her walk home, jumping over cracks and from time to time, counting her steps. She never counted all the way to her apartment, even though it was only a few blocks away. As Alice approached the sidewalk, she couldn't help but notice a man wearing a white colored trench coat, who seem to be in a hurry because of his fast pace. The blonde-haired girl stared in wonder, and soon enough found herself running across the crosswalk. Her curiosity got the best of her, something she could never control since she was a small girl. In her eyes, everything needed to be discovered around her. She had gotten herself into many different predicaments caused by her curiosity, but that never stopped her form checking things out before, so she knew it wouldn't stop her now.

Alice crept behind the man in the trench coat who was only speeding up his pace. The man quickly made a sharp turn and disappeared when Alice stood in front of a dark, foggy alleyway. The young girl narrowed her eyes, trying to focus on any kind of movement, but saw nothing. Taking a chance, she crept into the hallway, trying hard to adjust her eyes to the darkness she was enveloped in. Taking cautious steps, and gliding her hand along the brick wall, she went in deeper and deeper into the alleyway.

A sudden cold breeze brushed up against, making her shiver and look up at the sky that showed no sign of stars, or moon. Alice shook her head, becoming paranoid at the thoughts that filled her head. Inching closer to what seemed like a never ending alleyway, her foot was not on cement anymore, but air. The weight on her foot caused her to loose all balance and fall into what seemed like a ditch. A scream was let out from her mouth as she fell, knowing that her life was about to end once she met the ground. Opening her eyes slightly, she was met with dark images and shadows on the walls, all flying past her as she continued to fall which Alice found suddenly odd.

The young girl looked from right to left as she turned herself in an upright angle while she still fell through the air. Alice began to panic and wondered if maybe this was all her dream, or if someone just drugged her drink back at the club. Pondering over these questions she never noticed when she gently fell to the ground and closed her eyes, falling into a deep, unreal sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Man in white trench coat = White Rabbit = Gustav.

New story! I personally think it's a work of art! Okay, maybe not. Anyway,
we're working really hard on this. We appreciated long comments.

I will also correct mistake that were made.
This was written at night.

Thank you.