Status: Spankin' New!



'I found myself in Wonderland
Got back on my feet, again
Is this real?
Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end

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Alice lightly stirred, her right hand balling into a small fist as she felt the ground underneath her. Opening and closing her eyes, a room came into focus that was furnished with a glass table. The young girl let out a small yawn as she pushed herself up with her hands, and looked around the room, trying to figure out where she was. The room looked somewhat normal; glass table, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and an old, black curtain that hung in front of a wall.

The blonde-haired girl let out a small sigh, knowing that was probably very far from home. There were so many possibilities for how she got to this room; a dream, or maybe wandering to unknown places in the city. Alice's lip trembled and her eyes began to water as she dropped to the floor and looked around the room. She was completely trapped in an unknown place.

Alice tilted her head up, tears rolling down her cheeks as she quietly sobbed t herself, hopping that this was all a dream. Opening her eyes, she caught a blurry limps of a glass bottle placed on top of the table. The young girl wiped at her with her hands, and stood up. She stares at the small bottle filled with a clear liquid in amazement and knowing all too well that it was not there before. Alice looked away from the bottle, and wondered if she was beginning to go mad.

Turning back to the bottle, she saw something new placed next to it; a gold key with a bright, blue ribbon tied around the hole. Alice let out a small gasp and looked around the room, wondering if someone or something was placing these various objects on the table. The blonde-haired girl bit her lip and picked the bottle up, eyeing it and not knowing what to do with it. Maybe that answer was in this room; she was starting to get used to random things popping up every time she looked away. Alice closed her eyes and waited a few seconds before opening them again. Sure enough, there was a white tag attacked the bottle that read 'Drink Me'.

The young girl frowned, making up her mind that she was not going to drink anything unknown to her. She set the bottle down and stepped away from the table, eyeing the room for hundredth time. She focused on the black curtain, tilting her head to the side, and wondering if anything was behind it. Curiosity getting the best of her again, she walked over to the wall, standing in front of the black curtain. Raising her hand and grabbing the side of the curtain, she pulled it back, revealing nothing but a blank, cracked wall. Alice's shoulders slumped down and let out a sigh, looking down at her black shoes, she saw a small knob peeking out from the wall.

Alice furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, and crouched down to the knobs level, coming in contact with a very small door. She stared at the door, tying all the loose ends together. The blonde-haired girl turned her head, looking at the two items placed on the table. She stood up and quickly walked over to the glass table, picking up the bottle and key, which she places in the her pea coat pocket, but keeps the bottle in her hand, knowing what she has to do with it. Taking out the cork and swishing the liquid around, Alice brings it to her lips and tilts it, letting the unknown substance go down her throat.

Dropping the bottle to the floor and coughing quite a bit, she waits for whatever should happen to her. Alice looks at the bottle, noticing that it got bigger and heavier in her hand. She the noticed that it was her who was getting small and obviously lighter. The young girl stares up at the table that now stands above her, just like everything else in the room. Alice turns around and walks towards the door, ready for whatever awaits her outside.

The blonde-haired girl takes out the gold key and slips it into the key hole of the door, turning it and hearing the small 'click'. Alice lightly bit her lip, having second thoughts about stepping out of this room, but maybe the other side was her way home. Shaking all thoughts out of her head, she pushed the door open and stepped outside. Alice let out a gasp and she took in all the things that surrounded her; unreal, mystical, and horrific things as she took a few steps away from the door that closed behind her.

Alice stared at all things that were strange to her; spider webs that decorated flowers, dark, hooded creatures in willow trees, and a thick fog surrounding everything.

"Curiouser and curiouser," Alice whispered to herself as she made her way under black iron gate and into an unknown land.
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I just had to post something tonight!
I'm sorry for the mistakes. I'm just too damn excited to care because I love writing this story.
Sorry it's short. Had to be done and keep you in suspense for what's going to happen next!
And of course the boys will make an appearance next chapter. Promise!

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