The List


"Amara, honey, wake up."

Amara's mother shook her awake, gently but urgently. A letter had just come in the mail for her daughter. An impossible, unbelievable, prayer-answering letter.

"Wha-," Amara mumbled, opening her honey brown eyes slightly to see her mother's hazel ones looking back at her. She tried to get up, but a sharp stab in her abdomen kept her resting on her elbows. "What's the matter, Mom?"

"Oh, honey, you'll never believe-," She grabbed a small envelope that was sitting on Amara's bed behind her. Amara furrowed her brow. She was curious to know why her mother had woken her up in the middle of her nap. The doctor had ordered to sleep a few hours during the day.

"Read it," Amara's mother handed her the envelope, a smile overtaking her face. Amara hadn't seen her smile in weeks. What did this letter say?

Dear Ms. Vanderbilt,
We are pleased to inform you that we have discussed your request and have come to an answer. We would be pleased to have you attend the fan-party on August 21.

We will be arranging all accommodations for you; a second letter will be arriving shortly with the information of your itinerary.

We look forward to seeing you.

CherryTree Records

Amara looked up from the letter, beaming just like her mother.

"I'm going to meet him. Mom, I'm going to meet him!"
♠ ♠ ♠
New story. I think it will be grand. :D
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