Status: Freaking Active! :}

Scream Harder.

Don't lose contact.

I went upstairs to pack my stuff. I was still in shock. Why would someone as cool as him want to adopt someone like me? I mean come on. I wear weird clothes and I never wear makeup. Also the only time you'll see me with my hair done is when the owner of this place forces me to get it done. All that's weird for a girl my age.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't see Sean come in. Until he turned off my Ihome that I didn't notice I put on.

"Where are you going?" He asked me with a sad smile.

"Someone adopted me." I said quietly.

He looked at me shocked. I usually never answer him and act like he doesn't exist. But he recovered quickly. He came up and hugged me."Najel call me, write me do whatever. Just please don't lose contact with me. Please?"

I stared into his eyes. He seemed like he cared about me. How is that possible? How can someone as amazing as him care about me? A weirdo.

I nodded of course because I did feel a little safe around him. I gave him a hug and let a tear slide down. I didn't realize how much I actually cared about him. I guess you don't realize you have something good until it's gone. We hugged one last time before he he helped carry my bags downstairs.

"Are you ready Najel?" Mr.Haner asked. I nodded then hugged Sean again. I grabbed my bag from him and started to walk outside to the car. Then I realized I didn't no what car was his. I turned around and gave him a confused stare. He laughed and walked in front of me.

I sighed as I sat in the front seat. I'm off to my new home. I hope it's not like the rest.
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Omgod this shit sucked. But a filler. Comment? love ya bye. Syn will be in the next promise!