Status: Freaking Active! :}

Scream Harder.


I open my eyes quickly as I realized he stopped the car. He looked startled at first probably thinking I was asleep. But recovered him self quickly. He got out the car and grabbed both of my suitcases and started to walk to the door.

"Um.. your new brother is going to be in there when you walk in." He warned while smiling softly.

I just nodded not even bothering to tell him that he's not my brother. Their not my family because for them to be my family they have to love me. And I highly doubt they loved me.

He put my suitcases on the floor in front of the door and pulled me into the living room. I looked at my feet while entering not wanting to see their disappointment when they see it's me.

"Hello I'm Brian."

I looked up to come face to face with Brian Haner. I would of screamed but that would of been weird so I looked up at him smiling. I thought I was going to see disgusted or something in his face but he just looked excited to meet me.

"Don't hog her Brian!" Said a motherly looking women.

"Hi Hunny. I'm Mrs. Haner but you can call me mommy." She said excitedly while giving me a hug. I stiffen. I hate when people touch me. It brings back memories.

Noticing my stiffness she pulled away. Awkwardly. I just stood there hoping they could just show me my room.

"Um Najel do you want to meet the band?" Brian asked.

"No, no she just got here I want to get to know her."Said mommy.

"Aw! Please mommy you'll get to talk to her later. Jimmy's dying to meet her." He gave her a dog pout that not even I could resist.

"OK fine have her home by 11:00." She said sternly and kissed him on the cheek. She came over to kiss me on the cheek too but Brian pulled me away and out the house.

I got into the car silently praying he wasn't going to hurt me. And I guess he seen it because he gently touch my shoulder and asked if I was OK. I just nodded wishing he would let go of my shoulder. He shrugged it off and began to drive. The car ride was very silent. He didn't even play music.

When we stopped he grabbed my hand to stop me from getting out the car.

"I don't no if you no my band. There's four guys in there. They are really big. And I know that your scared of big guys.... well people. I can tell how when I touch you, you tense up. In reality though the guys are all teddy bears and they won't let anything happen to you OK?" He said softly.

"OK. And yeah I do know who you guys are. Also can you hold my hand?" I asked. He looked confused but grabbed my hand as soon as we got out. The reason I wanted him to hold my hand is because he's the only one I actually know and kinda hoping will protect me. Seeing as he's my uh... brother.

We walked into a house without knocking on the door. Which I thought was rude but Brian acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world. So I went along with it.

"Brian baby I miss you!" Screamed a guy in my ear. I stared at Brian in shock. Hm so he's gay. Wow!

"I'm not gay! Jimmy get the fuck off." He screamed. I smirked. SO this is the infamous Jimmy Sullivan.

"Ello I'm Jimmy and what your pretty little name princess?"

I smirked. "Najel."

"OK!" Then he hugged me. So I kicked him in the balls. He dropped me instantly and cried out in pain.

Soon I was face with all of Avenged Sevenfold. Looking not so happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please and thanks for the comments:
Revenge_ Sevenfold
Decimating Stars

Really you guys are amazing and you guys keep me writting thanks. Also read Decimating Stars's Days of the old. Yay!
