Status: We are done. I love you all. But I am not done you will see more of me. xoxo B.

We're So Far Away From You


She left him in order to protect him from her past.
she has changed but her feelings for Gerard haven't.
Five years couldn't change that.
But what happens when they are brought together again.
and everything comes out in the open?

This is the sequel to This is How I Disappear and I recommend you read the first part first and then this one.

I do not own MCR
Any song lyrics used in this story belongs to their rightful owners.

I do own all the original characters

and remember this is 100% fiction
  1. 5 years, 6 months, and 26 days
  2. I was happy I had my kids, my brother but I needed more
  3. So Ms. Black you ready for this?
  4. He is keeping something from me...what is it?
  5. I said turn around
  6. I couldn't lie not anymore
  7. She left, and I had moved on.
  8. Its time to face the music.
  9. "we love you moma. We always will."
  10. I think I broke her heart. I know I broke her heart.
  11. You already made her cry!
  12. The little green monster
  13. he is one confusing man
  14. Hun you can't control your heart no matter how much you want to.
  15. Look I-I have to tell you something
  16. yeah I know... love.
  17. Don't look at me that way.
  18. she made her leave
  19. oh *** it yes I do
  20. I have never seen him like this before.
  21. He is like head over heels
  22. look at all the lonely people
  23. he was right i wasnt anything like her.
  24. Love is like the ocean Forever in motion, forever changing Never twice the same
  25. well shut up Gerard Arthur Way and fight for her
  26. He cheated on you, he lied to you, he didn’t really love you.
  27. He was wise beyond his years, an old soul if you will
  28. oh I'm on my way to believing.
  29. you lied to him
  30. Yeah you are it for me Isabella Allison Hayley Black
  31. "please speak softly or they will hear us"
  32. I feel like a jerk
  33. The lucky ones remain In the clouds for days
  34. And I dont envision myself with anyone else
  35. William Beckett why are you lying to me?
  36. Because I knew I never stood a chance
  37. When you deserve to be alive, alive.
  38. watched new york disappear in the side view window
  39. the whole entire night.
  40. making pancakes
  41. wishing he were here
  42. she will never leave us be
  43. No it fits perfect
  44. everything
  45. no I mean it dance with me
  46. this was a new low even for her
  47. to the place she said you would never come back to
  48. she saw the look in my eyes that she prayed would never be there
  49. come on show me your world Isabella Black
  50. Its a bit scary
  51. Strange what a series of unfortunate events does to a person
  52. the first time I saw her smile was the day she captured my heart.
  53. She told me to give it to the person that means the world to me
  54. I had a funny little Revelation.
  55. "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds."
  56. we kept dancing under those lights
  57. I was born ready Gee