Slip Into The Tragedy


Ray's POV

"Gerard! Open the door, man!" Frank called, knocking hard on the door to my apartment. "Dude, open it!"
Bob reached for the handle and turned it; the door flung open. "Might try the handle next time, before knocking down the door off its hinges, Frankie..." Bob mumbled, but I pushed them booth out of the way before I ran into the room. I had an uncomfortable feeling in my guts, like something was wrong. Gerard had been acting weird, ever since our last gig in Australia. During the whole flight back to New Jersey, he had locked himself up in the bathroom, talking to no one, not even Mikey. I don't know what might've happened after the concert. Well, he did receive a phone call from Bert, and wasn't all too happy afterwards. Even though we all know he's been battling depression, we've never seen him change so suddenly. It looked as if though something had suddenly snapped inside him. I had been rather terrified when he got into his car and drove off to his apartment. He looked quite distressed.
I ran into the living room, discovering no sign of Gerard, not in the kitchen nor in his bedroom. From underneath the bathroom door, however, shone a light from inside the room. I pushed the door opened, only to find Gerard inches below the surface of the over-flowing water in the bathtub, the water pouring out from the tap and over the edge of the tub, splashing down on the floor. On the middle of the floor I saw a empty medicine bottle, the cap resting underneath the sink. Shit, please don't tell me he's taken ALL the pills?

Gerard's POV

"Fucking shit, Gerard!" Ray shouted, bursting into the bathroom. He turned off the water, pulling me out of the water. He dragged me out of the bathtub and to the floor and once realizing I wasn't breathing, he used the mouth-to-mouth method, trying to bring me back. After few attempts, I coughed and gulped and spluttered as the air suddenly made its way into my lungs again.
"Bob! Frank!" I faintly heard him shout, still sitting on the floor and cradling me in his arms. "Get the fuck in here!" he called and soon Frank and Bob came hurtling into the room, gasping and stopping dead in their tracks once they arrived upon the sight before them in the bathroom. I briefly opened my eyes, but it was kind of difficult for me to see anything because my black, wet hair slumped down my face and water was still leaking down my face. But I managed to see a glimpse of Ray's worried expression before I was forced to close my eyes again, unable to keep them open for any longer. I started to gasp as the air decided to leave me once again, making it very hard for me to breathe. I grabbed a strong hold onto Ray's shirt, shuddering as I tried to catch my breath again, but it didn't work. I tried to make a sound, but all that came out was incomprehensible gurgling sounds

Bob's POV

"Shit, dude," Frank said, staring down at Gerard, whilst I ran into the living room, to contact 911.
"Fuck, man, call 911!" Ray shouted. "He can't breathe!"
"I'm trying!" I called back, holding the phone, dialling the short number.
"911. What is your emergency?" said a female voice on the other line.
"Hello? Hey, shit, our friend, we found him in the bathtub, and he can't breathe. Send someone over, quick!" I urged, breathing heavily. "Fuck, man, you gotta send someone over right now, he's having trouble breathing --"
"All right, sir, calm down, tell me your address and we'll send someone over immediately," she said. I told her the address, leaning back and tried to catch a glimpse into the bathroom. Fuck, Gerard, why?
"Sir, they're on their way. Try to keep calm and --" She began to give me advice on what to do but I didn't pay attention. There was a knock on the front door. Who could it be? Oh God; Mikey! I dropped the phone and ran to the door. I instantly knew it was Mikey, as I reached for the handle.
"Hey, dude, what's going on? Where's Gerard?" Mikey asked, entering the apartment.
"He's --" I started, but Ray called out from the bathroom.
"Fuck, where are they? Have you called them? He's blacked out and he ain't breathing!" Mikey sped towards the bathroom.
"Gerard!" he exclaimed upon seeing Gerard unconscious on the bathroom floor. "What the fuck happened?!" he said, as I followed him into the bathroom, running my hand through my hair. The ambulance should be here soon. Thankfully Gerard's place was near a hospital.

Mikey's POV
My heart stopped beating for a second as I stepped into the room and found him lying on the bathroom floor, held tightly in Ray's arms. I felt my knees buckle and I fell down to the floor, next to Gerard. I pulled him from Ray and hugged him close to my own body, not wanting to let go. His breathing was slow, and I was terrified it would soon cease completely. The medics arrived within half an hour, carrying a stretcher up to the fourth floor of the apartment building. They pulled Gerard from me and placed him on the stretcher, before picking it up and carrying him down towards the ambulance. We all followed them downstairs. Without any hesitation or asking, I climbed up into the ambulance, my gaze focused entirely on Gerard's pale -- deathly pale -- face. I knew the guys would follow us in their own car. I heard the siren and felt the ambulance speed up, driving at a fast yet responsible speed.
I took a hold of Gerard's hand, wincing slightly at the cold touch he gave off. "Gerard..." I whispered. "Why, Gee, why?" I heard myself whisper.
Gerard had regained the little he had left of his current consciousness and gave my hand a faint squeeze. "Mikes..." he whispered hoarsely. "I'm - I'm - s-s-orry..." he shuddered, his chest rising and falling rapidly, as the medics stung him with a needle, sending necessary fluids into his veins.
The siren sounded loudly, echoing off the building as we passed them. Every second felt like eternity as I waited for the ambulance to come to a full stop in front of the hospital.
"You'll be OK, man, you'll pull through, I know you will. Stay strong, Gee, don't give up," I said, my voice breaking as I began to sob silently, tears falling down from my eyes. "I'll be by your side, don't worry, I'll stay with you to the end, OK? I love you, Gerard," I sobbed, not bothering to wipe my eyes.

Gerard's POV
"I love you, Gerard." As soon as those words left Mikey's mouth, I felt a weird tingling sensation burn throughout my whole body, the sensation of as if you're being sucked into nothingness. I felt my body completely drained of all feeling, before I plunged into darkness.

I heard the rattling noise of the bed which I was lying on being pushed into the emergency reception. I had once again regained consciousness and after forcing my eyes opened, I stared up into a row of bright lights, as I was being pushed along a white, spotless corridor. But the lights came to me as a single row of brigh blur, for my eyes could not focus properly. I turned my head to my left, as I felt a hand hold my left hand, and I saw Mikey's red and puffy eyes looking down on me. Gosh, Mikey, I'm so sorry, I love you so much. I'm such a failure...

Darkness pulled me into its embrace once again.