Slip Into The Tragedy

Baby, We've Got Love On Our Side

Mikey's POV

We sat in silence for at least ten minutes, before there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I said before Gerard could say anything. A young nurse entered the room, carrying a tray with her. On the tray was a bottle of pills and two needles.
"Good day, Mr. Way, how are we feeling today?" the nurse asked.
"I'm good, thank you very much," Gerard said, annoyed at the nurse for some reason. I saw him eye the tray constantly, and when the nurse approached him, picking up one of the needle, I saw Gerard's forehead sparkle with sweat. He hated needles.
"I'm gonna give you a small shot of sedatives, so you'll be able to rest. You can be discharged tomorrow, if your conditions won't change," the nurse said, a kind smile playing on her face.
"No fucking way, get that needle away from me. Give me the pills instead," Gerard said, waving his hands at the nurse as if to gesture her to get away with the needle.
"Gerard," I said, sighing. "Don't."
Gerard shot me a deadly glare, and gave the nurse another one.
"You're not gettin' near me with a needle, not a motherfuckin' chance," Gerard protested.
"You're acting like a baby," I said.
"So fucking what? Get that needle away from me, NOW!" Gerard said, raising his voice.
The nurse hurried out of the room, fast.
"Go out, Mikey."
I stared at him. "Gerard?"
"Now. I wanna be alone."
His words hit me hard, and made me want to retort, insist on staying with him, but I decided against it. His emotional state wasn't under total control and I didn't want to upset him any further. I slowly stood up from the chair, and made a move to hold Gerard's hand, but he pulled it away, turning his head from me.
"I'll come check on you later," I said, standing in the door, before turning around and closing the door.

Gerard's POV

I felt quite bad for acting so mean towards Mikey, but both my physical and emotionally state were pretty damaged and I didn't want my little brother to see me like this. God, how stupid could I be? I think I've damaged Mikey for at least some years to come, after he witnessed the bathroom incident. You should've jumped off a cliff, or a bridge, then he'd only see you in the morgue, a unwelcomed voice sounded in my head. Shut up. Stupid voices. Oh, now you must think of me not only as a suicidal person, but a crazy one also. 'I hear voices inside my head and they don't like you', ooh I'm insane. Shit, I'm talking to myself. Maybe I am going crazy. Maybe going crazy isn't such a bad thing. But maybe it is. And I don't really want to find out, do I? Yes, that's why the made bridges, so you could go there and jump off it, right? I mean, you'd be doing the world a favour. What about Mikey? What about him? Jump. You don't want your own little brother watch his already-fucked up brother fuck life up more? Plus, he'll get over it. He's got Bob, Frank and Ray. He'll forget about you after a while and move on. Don't worry about him. No, I couldn't. Or could I? OK, this has got to stop. Don't listen to the crazy voices, Gerard. Or they're coming to take you away, ha-haa! Oh great, now it's quoting Napoleon XIV.
I lowered myself down in a lying-position, my hands resting on both sides, and stared at a single spot in the ceiling. Soon, my eye-lids began to get heavy and it was hard for me to keep them open. I tried to stifle a yawn, but the drowsiness got the best of me and I drifted off into a world full of nightmares and dreamscapes.

I woke up with a start, sweat trickling down my forehead. Fuck, I was only dreaming. What a terrible nightmare. I don't recall much from that nightmare, but I had the feeling you usually get after having a nightmare, this uncomfortable knut deep inside your guts, nagging you from the inside. Apparently, the nightmare had been too much for me, since it made me sit bolt right up. I fell back onto the soft hospital pillow, and was pulling the duvet all the way up to my chin when I realised I wasn't the only one in the room. I sat up again, so I could get a better look at whoever it was who was sitting on that chair under the window. What was left of my heart, dropped. Bert.
"Hi..." he said awkwardly.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, though already knowing why. I remember Ray telling me earlier that he had called Bert, and informed me that he was on his way. Perfect, just what I need; the man who broke my heart. I gave Bert my whole heart, my soul to, but he just tore it apart with a single phone call. Coward, didn't even have the courage to talk to me in-person.
"I was so worried, Ray called me and told me what happened, I took the first flight from Chicago and tried to get her as soon as possible. I was so scared, babe," Bert said, standing up from his chair and walking over to my bed.
"I'm not your babe, Bert," I said curtly, staring hard into his eyes. His cruel eyes. Well, at least that's what they look to me anyway.
When he broke up with me, we were only a week from our one year anniversary. And when he was talking to me on the phone, I could've sworn I had heard someone. A 'someone' someone. Maybe I had just been paranoid. I admit, Bert was the stronger side of the relationship. I was always either too emotional or I would shut me away from the whole world from time to time. Too afraid that he would find someone better than me. I guess he finally had found someone better than me.

Ring! Ring!
"Dude, you gotta change your ringtone! It's lame beyond...everything that's like, lame, y'know," Frank called, tossing me the phone, as it continued to ring. We were relaxing after a concert in Sydney, in the tour bus. 'Bubbles', the bus was called. Don't look at me, it was all Frank's idea. Geez, that kid... Yes, kid. He always acts like a ten year old, but we all love him. That's just Frank.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I said as I grabbed the phone with my left hand, pushing my sketch book away with the right one. I looked at the callers ID. I smiled as I saw it was Bert who was calling and stood up, heading for the exit of the bus. I closed the door, walking out on the parking lot, before I answered.
"Hey, baby," I said, with an obvious flirtatious tone in my voice, grinning to myself. "How are you? I thought you'd never call, I thought you'd forgotten about me."
"Yeah, uhm, I'm sorry, I've just been, y'know, with the band and work and...yeah..." Bert voice sounded on the other line. There was something in his voice that made my heart skip a beat. Something was wrong, I knew it!
"You OK, Bertie? You sound...I don't know. Is there something wrong?" I asked.
I heard him hesitate before he spoke again.
"Uhm, Gerard... I... we... oh fuck..." He sighed.
"What is it, love? Tell me, I'll make it all better," I joked, grinning once again.
"Look... I really don't want to do this on the phone, but...."
My heart dropped. I knew what was about to happen.
"I don't think this relationship is working..."
I laughed, unsure of what to say.
"What do you mean? Of course it's working, and you just wait until I get back home, I'll have a small surprise for you," I said, smirking to myself.
"No, Gerard, I don't think this is....working...for me... I -- I'm breaking up with you, Gee..."

I remember my whole world crashing right before my eyes. How could I be so stupid to give someone my heart and soul, only for them to be broken and shattered into million pieces? Not like your 'heart' or 'soul' could actually get shattered into million pieces, but you get my drift. Anyway, back to the phone call.

"What's this? Some sort of late April Fools' joke?" I said, laughing, however with an unmistakable tone of worry. Oh God. This can't be happening.
"No, Gerard, I'm sorry, I'm breaking up with you."
I didn't reply. I felt weak; I felt numb. Not now, this can't be happening now. Fuck it! I felt tears well up in my eyes, and a painful lump was rising in my throat, blocking my voice.
"Gerard? Gerard, are you there? Are you okay?"
OK? Am I OK? No! I'm not o-fucking-kay! I'm being dumped by a man who I loved and I thought loved me back, a man who I gave my very own heart and soul on a silver platter, a man who had held me close when I cried, a man who meant the whole world to me. And now he was breaking up with me as if it never meant nothing to him.
I threw the phone far away with all my might, watching as it hit the ground and broke, just like my heart. I tried to cry, but my body didn't respond, being numb and without a heart. After a moment I gave up and ran my hand through my black hair, straightened my clothes and walked back towards the bus, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Gerard, you okay?" Bert asked carefully, making my mind snap back to reality.
"Nearly offed myself, of course I'm okay!" I spat, feeling disgusted as he placed his warm hand on my cold one.
"Oh Gerard... I didn't mean -- " Bert began, sadness etched on his face.
"Save it for someone who gives a shit, Bert," I said, malice dripping off my tongue like syrup.
"Gee, why are you like this?" Bert said, the sadness replaced with a slight look of frustration.
"Why am I like this? Hmm, let me see... you call me, out of the blue, and tell me our relationship is over. Just like that. As if it never meant anything. You broke my heart, Bert..." I said, not realising in my anger that my eyes had started to glisten with tears and soon fell, sliding slowly down my cheek.
Bert pulled me into a hug. I was both quite surprised and a little angry at myself for not pulling back, but his arms always gave me comfort, no matter what. But after a few minutes crying silently in Bert's arms, I finally gathered the energy to pull away. I wiped the tears away.
"How could you do this to me, Bert? How could you push me away from you just like that?"
"I never meant it. I wasn't thinking correctly. I'm so sorry. I want you back, I really do," Bert said, apparently battling with his own tears.
" want us to...?"
"I want us to try again. Start over... I'm really sorry, sweetie..." he said.
I felt happy. Really happy. But still, I didn't want to take him back, I didn't want to forgive him. But I loved him. I really, really did. Oh, what the heck.
I smiled for what felt like the first time in ages. "O-okay..."
"Great!" Bert said, smiling himself. He bent down and kissed me, his hot lips crashing with mine. Mm, it felt so good. I missed his kisses, his lips, his everything. He pulled away.
"So...we're good?" he asked, rather nervously, despite his smile.
"Good? We're more than good, we're great," I said, grinning.
"Fabulous!" Bert said happily.
"Fabulous? Dude, that makes you sound so gay," I laughed.
Bert raised his eyebrow.
I realised what I had said and burst out laughing.
"You know what I mean."