Status: active


Chapter 001


"New Moon, was amazing! Way better than Twilight." I announced, dumping my left over popcorn into the trash.

"Only because Jacob was a sexy beast-no pun intended." Lauren added, finishing off the rest of her coke and holding the cup protectively close to her, because it was a New Moon cup and Jacob was on the front. "You know what this means, don't you?" Of course I already knew. It was our tradition, granted it wasn't a very long running tradition. Every time a new movie from the Twilight saga came out, we reread the Twilight books, all four of them.

"Of course, so are you coming over to my house or am I coming over to yours?" She was in the process of fishing her keys out of her purse.

"I'll come over to your house, that way my brother's can't annoy the crap out of us." It was summer break, therefore my brother was over at his friend's house, where he would probably stay until school started back up again. Lauren, on the other hand, had two brothers and though they did like to stay with their friend's occasionally, they liked to have their friend's stay at Lauren's house. Poor Lauren.





"Water, tissues, and yo-yo?"

"Check, check, and check." I stated, holding our silver yo-yo up to show her. It was our way to 'entertain' ourselves while the other read. How awkward would it have been to just lay there and listen to someone read for hours on end?

"Do you wanna start?" I'd already begun with the yo-yo, so I casually refused.

"Nah, you can go ahead and read the first chapter."

"Chapter One: First Sight. My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix..."

I looked up from my empty hands and froze. I was in the backseat of someones car, and I had no idea how I'd gotten there. I was shocked. In a paralyzed state. Was I dreaming? Had I dozed off? I looked down to find that I wasn't in the same clothes. My eyes wandered to the window, had there always been so many tree's in Alabama? What in the world was going on?

"Lauren?" I gasped as who could have only been Bella Swan, looked back at me. My eyes grew wide, I wanted to scream.

"Guen?" She squeaked, her brown eyes huge. Her hair was a lot longer than it had been, and she was so pale... she looked just like Kristen Stewart. She was Kristen Stewart.

"So are those like nicknames you guys gave each other or something?" My heart skipped a beat. I knew that voice, it was Charlie Swan.

"Charlie?" I squealed, jumping forward only to be pulled back by my seat belt. He raised an eyebrow and half laughed. Lauren's jaw was literally hanging open as she gazed at him in 'awe'.

"I know it's been a while Chrissy, but I'm still your dad." Okay, so I was definitely dreaming. Either way, it was still pretty awesome.

"My dad? I thought Bella was an only child..." I shouldn't have said that, because he was now glaring at Bella as though she'd just tried to kill me.

"Have you been picking on her again? Honey, you were not adopted. Your mother and I love you very much." He was smiling back at me through the rear view mirror.

"But, Bella doesn't have a sister..."

"Bella knock it off, and stop talking in third person." I looked over at Lauren. "It's weird." I was confused, to say the least. I was, actually in Twilight as Bella's sister?

"How... old am I?" I questioned. If I was Bella's sister, was I older or younger?

"Is that a trick question?"


"You'll turn seventeen next March... right?" I was sixteen?! How unfair!

"I'm Bella Swan? The Bella Swan? With the big red truck and awkward motor skills?" All eyes were on Bella. "This isn't real. I fell asleep reading, there's no way..."

"How'd you find out about the truck Bells? Chrissy, did you tell her?" I don't know, had I?

"Um..." He laughed before I even had a chance to speak.

"It's alright, last time I tell you anything, though." I wasn't sure what was going on. I most definitely couldn't explain why we were now-somehow- in the Twilight book, but it was pretty awesome. Even if it was just a dream, I couldn't believe this was happening
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The story isn't very interesting at first, but it gets better. So, any thoughts?