Status: active


Chapter 003


I was first to the kitchen, because I hadn't slept a wink. I was too scared that if I went to sleep, I would wake up back in the real world. I was already ready for my first day of Forks High, and I had so much time to prepare through the night, I even went and painted my nails so they were an apple red color, matching my shirt. I'd discovered every inch of the house, only waking Charlie, or dad should I say, once. I couldn't get enough of it, it was too amazing.

"Haven't slept at all I see." I couldn't help but to smile up at Charlie as he walked into the kitchen in his uniform. I'd never really had a father, and now I get Charlie Swan as my dad.

"Couldn't. Too nervous I guess." He chuckled, pouring himself a cup of coffee. I returned to my toast and orange juice, I never really was much of a cook and dad didn't seemed to have anything to cook, he didn't even have cereal. Charlie was clearly a single man.

"Where's your sister? I'd figured she'd be more scared than you." He took a sip and I watched as his mustache brushed the top of the cup. It sure was a funny little thing, the mustache not the cup. "You were always the social one, like your mother." Note to self: opposite of Bella.

"I can't do it." We turned to see Lauren, Bella standing in the doorway. I busted out laughing, because she was wearing the same thing she'd worn in the movie. That ugly green bowling shirt with the long sleeved white on underneath.

"Aw, cheer up Bells. It won't be so bad." He then looked at his watch. "Well I gotta go. Good luck you two."

"Thanks." Lauren grumbled.

"Bye dad!" He flashed me a smile before disappearing out of the kitchen, leaving Lauren and I alone.

"Guen, I think you're getting too attached to this. This is just temporary, you know." I shrugged, taking a last bite of my toast.

"I know, but it's wicked as hell." I got up and placed my cup in the sink, yawning as I did so. I was dead tired, thanks to my fear of leaving the story, I could practically feel the bags under my eyes. "Nice outfit by the way." I choked, slinging my bag over my shoulder. Lauren glared at me, though with Bella's face it was less intimidating.

"Shut up. I told you we have to stick to the story, and I found this in her clothes." She then turned and I followed her out of the kitchen, locking the front door behind me as we stepped outside.

"You have the keys right?" It was raining, surprise surprise, as we headed towards the truck. Lauren nodded, lifting a set of keys and jingling them.

"Got the keys, the problem is" She unlocked the doors and I climbed inside quickly to get out of the rain. "I don't know how to drive a stick shift." My mind went momentarily blank.

"Come again?" She smiled over at me, inserting the keys and starting up the truck.

"I'd buckle up if I were you." She warned, buckling herself in. The truck loudly roared to life and we lurched forward, stopping within a few inches of the house.

"We're gonna die!" I whined, "We're dead! We're dead!"

"Will you shut up. We are not gonna die. Oh my gosh, you drama queen." She moved the stick and the truck made another loud noise, but this time moved backwards out of the driveway.

"Well if not from a wreck, from embarrassment. How could Bella love this truck so much?" Lauren shrugged as we turned onto the road.

"It's not that bad..." I rolled my eyes.

"And how do you know which way to go? You don't even know where the school is."

"It's just off the highway, like everything else."

I'll be honest, I didn't actually think Lauren even knew where the highway was, but sure enough we made it to Forks High School. This town truly was pathetically small.

"Oh my gosh! Look for the Cullens." I pressed my face to the window, placing my hands firmly against the glass. There were few cars, and none were Volvo's.

"Guen, we're the first to arrive... remember?" I totally forgot. No fair. Just like the book, she parked right in front of the office, though not very well...

"Alright, let's go get our schedules." I sighed, getting out of the truck and hurrying under the awning. I couldn't help but to take one last look around the parking lot... no Cullens. "Come on." Lauren mumbled, grabbing hold of my hand.

Sitting at a desk behind the counter, was a red-headed woman with a purple shirt wearing glasses and pretending to be busy. She looked up at us almost immediately as we'd entered.

"Can I help you?" I placed my hands casually on the counter.

"I'm L-Isabella... Swan... and this is my sister Christina Swan..." It seemed as though Lauren wasn't expecting her to believe it, but the woman's eyes lit up as she looked from me to Lauren.

"Of course," She fingered through a stack of papers in front of us, "I have your schedules right here, and maps of the school." I felt my jaw drop as she spread out a bunch of paper before us. School hadn't even started and we were being bombarded with documents.

I turned my back to them once she'd pulled out a highlighter and began scribbling down things on the papers while explaining everything to Lauren. I found myself wandering back over to the door and peeking out at the parking lot. There were more students arriving now, but still no Cullens!

"!" I looked back at Lauren, who had just pinched me on the back of my arm.

"They still aren't here yet, come on. Back to the truck." I groaned and followed her to the truck, climbing in on the passengers side. There was nothing I could really do because I had pinched her yesterday...

"Now what?" She started the truck back up, and drove around to where the other cars were parking. Bella hadn't been kidding when she'd said that none of the cars were very fancy, and then I saw it. My breath was stuck in my throat and I began to hyperventilate.

"Silver-Volvo-silver-Volvo-SILVER-VOL-" I paused. Lauren's hand was slapped over my mouth.

"What are you retarded? Super hearing! Hello?" She whispered, glancing over at the Cullens as they piled out of their cars. I watched silently as she reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook and pen. She began scribbling something down until she realized something and tore it out, ripping it to shreds and tossing it onto the floor. "Try not to speak or think so much today, okay?" I rolled my eyes, turning back to the Cullens. The movie did them no justice, especially Edward. He was way hotter than Robert Pattinson, by like a million, but at the same time looked exactly like Robert...

Oh yeah! Edward can read minds! Duh... oh! I didn't mean that, I mean... Blank. Blank. Blank. Bl- I wonder what's gonna be for lunch?

I took a last glance at the Cullens, only now Edward was looking right at me. I felt the hair raise on the back of neck, and yet I was blushing.

Breathe Guen, just breathe. Oh my gosh.

"Try to get your schedule memorized as much as you can, she highlighted the best routes to take. We're here," Lauren pointed to the parking lot on the map. I ignored her, examining my schedule, trying to get my mind off of Robert-er-Edward.

1st Period: English - Mr. Wilson
2nd Period: Algebra II - Mr. Vanson
3rd Period: French - Mrs. Garbowski
(what kind of a name is that?)
4th Period: Gym - Coach Johnson
5th Period: Art - Mr. Ling
6th Period: Biology - Mrs. Sampson

How unfair was this? I'd already taken these classes and now I was being punished by repeating the 10th grade. Why? Because I was repeating the tenth grade at Forks High School, there had to be some-sort of drawback I guess. I looked back to find the Cullens had left, probably to get to class.

"Oh, and you need to get this signed by all of your teachers." Lauren then interrupted my thoughts, thankfully, by shoving a slip in my face. "Got it?" I nodded, though I hadn't heard a thing she'd been talking about. "Okay, let's go." We hadn't been more than a few feet away from the car when the stares and whispers began.

"I don't like this." I whispered over to Lauren. She nodded, looking back to a group of people that had been staring.

"You're Isabella Swan, aren't you?" I looked over to find the one, the only; Eric Yorkie smiling broadly at me. I smiled back, shaking my head.

"I'm Bella." Lauren said, waving slightly. I felt so bad, because he'd been the only one with enough courage to come and talk to us first and mixed us up, he was clearly embarrassed.

"Right, and you're Christina. Sorry."

"Awe, it's okay." I patted his shoulder lightly and he blushed. It was too funny, if I hadn't been afraid it'd embarrass him even more, I would have laughed.

"I'm Eric."

"Nice to meet you." Lauren replied. I simply smiled and nodded in acknowledgment.

"So, what class do you guys have first period?" I frowned, looking back down at my schedule.

"English, with Mr. Wilson." Eric cringed and any hopes I had of passing that class vanished.

"He's pretty tough, unless you're one of his favorite students. Since you're the Police Chief's daughter, he'll probably go easy on you."

"I've got English too, with Mr. Mason." His face lit up, and I knew why.

"Me too!" I barely giggled and Lauren was glaring again.

"Who would've thought." I patted her on her back. She wouldn't mind, he looked like her type anyways, well minus the tan, eight-pack, and fur... I looked back at my map, and noticed that I was about to pass up my first period class.

"Well, I'll see you guys. My class is right down there." I pointed.

"I'll see you at lunch." Lauren waved before disappearing around the corner with Eric. I was all alone. I felt suddenly very vulnerable, I wanted to run back to Lauren...

"Yes?" Of course everyone was already in class, so I looked like an idiot frozen at the doorway, staring at everyone. I hated being new, or late for that matter. I did not do well in front of crowds. "Yes, can I help you?" I jumped as his tone had raised dramatically.

"Uh... um..." I couldn't talk?

Why is everyone staring at me? Please stop staring at me... please stop staring...

I felt like I was going to cry, my hand felt mechanic as I held out the slip. By now, everyone was whispering and murmuring. Mr. Wilson seemed very aggravated as he walked over to me, snatching the paper from my hands.

"Miss Swan?" I clapped my hands together, pointing up at him.

"Yeah! That's it. That's my name. I'm Christina Swan." He lowered his glasses, examining me.

"Well, take a seat beside Miss Young there while I sign this." He pointed to a rather happy-go-lucky girl, waving and smiling up at me.

"Hi! I'm Gina." She reached her hand to shake mine, a little too enthusiastically. It was going to be a long day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh, someone's getting a little too carried away with this whole, 'stuck in Twilight' thing! Ha, well thanks for the comments! Any questions/complaints/compliments, you know what to do. Oh, and would you guys like to see how I picture Christina? Here, it's Alexis Bledel by the way. I think she looks a bit like Kristen. If Crissy took after Renee and Bella took after Charlie.