‹ Prequel: Paranormal Family

Paranormal Daughters

Chapter 1

“I’m what?” I asked looking slightly incredulous at my father, who you may or may not know. He’s the famous Ryan Buell of Paranormal State fame, but I just call him dad. Over his shoulder my mother is standing, Claire Buell who many came to know as his girlfriend, later fiancée, later wife, and oh the girl who was the “Chosen One”. I’m their second born daughter only proceeded by my sister Anastasia, also known as Ana.

“Chip Flemming asked a favor and I owe him one.” My father said looking behind to my mother who was looking to her right, I could sense some compassion there meaning it was likely Taylor she was talking to before her attention was diverted back to my dad.

“Uh uh, I am not getting involved in this. This is your favor, Ry, I am not making her do anything.” My mother said holding up her hands in surrender. My dad just sighed before looking back at me.

“Please Hay? Think of the kids you’ll be helping, kids who don’t have control of their empathic abilities like you do.” My dad said using the puppy dog look that my sister knew how to do as well. It was hard to refuse that look but I had to put my foot down.

“No, I am not helping kids I don’t know. Dad, I don’t like new people you know that. I’m not a people person, that’s Ana.” Almost as though hearing her name my sister floated into the room, not literally but her graceful walk always made her seem like she was floating.

“What’s me?” Anastasia asked as she handed my mother the mail. Like me Anastasia was gifted though while I sensed emotions Anastasia just saw spirits. Based on how her eyes weren’t focused on me but something over my shoulder I guessed she was seeing a spirit now. I turned lightly in that direction and immediately picked up the feeling of contentment from the spirit, something that my sister seemed fine with based off her emotions. Her eyes snapped back to me as she waited for an answer.

“I have an idea.” My mother said suddenly causing all of us to turn and look at her. “Why don’t you have both Ana and Hayley go. They both have control of their powers and they both have powers that could help them. And I’m sure they’d be more comfortable together.” My father looked impressed by the idea though I could sense confusion rolling of Anastasia in waves.

“Hi, I’m sorry what am I being sent to here?” Anastasia asked causing my father to run a hand through his dark hair, something I had inherited. Anastasia however had gotten my mother’s brown hair that she was currently tossing over her shoulder.

“A friend of mine called and asked if I could possibly lend some assistance. He has two boys coming who are both gifted with psychic powers. Neither however has any idea how to control them and he felt that having two kids who knew what they were going through and were in control of their powers might help. He specifically mentioned an empath so I thought of Hayley, but…” My father trailed off as I looked at Anastasia.

Her brown eyes seemed thoughtful as she looked from me to my father. I could sense that she was unsure, but something changed as her demenor instantly brightened.

“I’m in, when do we leave?” Anastasia asked causing me to let out a sigh of annoyance. Apparently my answer wasn’t important or the fact that I hadn’t actually given an actual answer didn’t matter as my father immediately checked his watch.

“Tomorrow morning. They are holding this tomorrow till Sunday morning at the haunted hotel twenty minutes away. I’ll probably stay with you guys but it will be mostly you.” Anastasia had excitement rolling off her to the point where I immediately took a step back.

“I’m going to go pack!” She said in a giddy excited voice before dashing from my parents room leaving me alone again with my parents. My dad was looking at the mail my mother handed him an muttered something that sounded like, “I’ll go get the checkbook,” before walking off and leaving me alone with my mother.

From her I got the sense of curiosity and looked up to find her studying me.

“You really want to do this?” My mother asked taking a seat at the edge of her bed and patting the area next to her. I let out a sigh as I sat and leaned my head against my mother’s shoulder, something I remembered doing as a child. Her calm emotions always made me feel better.

“I don’t know, maybe. I mean it might be nice to help someone, but at the same time..” I trailed off closing my eyes as my mother rubbed my arm soothingly.

“You’re nervous, I understand that. I remember the first time I helped you dad, it was scary. But it helped me learn more about my powers, and Hales, I’m sure this is going to help you. I’ll even send one of my angels to protect you if that will make you feel better.” My mother offered and I knew she didn’t mean that lightly.

My mother always had seven angels surrounding her. Peter, Shade, Gregory, John, Thomas, Taylor, and Charles and sending one to protect us was something she could do, but only if she was willing to be down an angel defense wise. In her college years it may of hurt her but now, now it seemed as though losing one was just losing someone to talk to.

“Fine, but I want Taylor.” I said knowing Taylor was the compassionate one and the one who’s emotions most matched my mothers. My mother nodded before saying something and then looking at me.

“She’s all yours till you get back. Now you should probably go pack.” My mother suggested giving me a pat on the back and a small push. I heaved myself off the bed before heading to my room trying to look on the brightside. After all, how bad could this be?